Sunday, December 26, 2010

Resting in the Unknown - Hope for Tomorrow

“Even through I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

The 23rd Psalm, what a beautiful and treasured passage which reminds us that as our Shepherd, God loves and cares for each one of us! We are also reminded of the relational aspect of our walk with God, and when temptations and life’s circumstances face us, we can turn to the One who is ever present and who loves unconditionally.

Awhile back, I received from a friend, a wonderful way to read through and understand the Lord’s Prayer. As we cross the threshold of another year, keep these truths from God’s word near and dear to your heart. No matter what’s ahead, the One who promises these truths will never change!

“The Lord is my Shepherd…THAT’S RELATIONSHIP!
I shall not want…THAT’S SUPPLY!
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures…THAT’S REST!
He leadeth me beside still waters…THAT’S REFRESHMENT!
He restoreth my soul…THAT’S HEALING!
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness…THAT’S GUIDANCE!
For His name sake…THAT’S PURPOSE!
Yea, though I walk though the valley of the shadow of death…THAT’S CHALLENGE!
I will fear no evil…THAT’S ASSURANCE!
For though art with me…THAT’S FAITHFULNESS!
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me…THAT’S SHELTER!
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies…THAT’S HOPE!
Thou anointest my head with oil…THAT’S CONSECRATION!
My cup runneth over…THAT’S ABUNDANCE!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…THAT’S BLESSING!
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord…THAT’S SECURITY!
Happy New Year to you and yours!

Pastor MJ

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I’m Glad He Did

Andrea Crouch wrote the words, “I don’t know why Jesus loved me, I don’t know why He cared. I don’t know why He sacrificed His life, oh, but I’m glad, I’m glad He did!”

In that same light, as we are in the Christmas season, I ask myself, “why did Jesus come for me?” In light of all He knew about me and about all of us and how we would break His heart over and over again, He left all of the splendor of heaven to be born as a human and set it all aside for you and for me. And the only answer I ever come up with is from the scriptures. It is because of the Father’s love for you and for me. (John 3:16)

As we worship together today and as you celebrate Christmas this week, let’s take some time to ponder on the true meaning of Christmas. Never forget what Jesus so willingly did on the first Christmas morning. Let your worship today and this week be a “Thanks offering” to Him for loving us in this way.

Merry Christmas,

Pastor MJ

He Still Came
No palace no jewels, No kingdom to rule,
No crown of majesty, No throne and no robe,
No silver no gold, No courts of royalty.
Yet the King of kings left heaven
To become a lowly man.
He left all heaven's glory, To fulfill His Father's plan.

He still came just for me, He still came.
Knowing all He would endure, He still came.
Disregarding every cost,
From the manger to the cross,
He still came Just for me He still came.

© 1990, 1992 Magnolia Hill Music, LLC (Admin. by Integrated
Copyright Group, Inc.) CCLI License No. 157464

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Total Surrender

“To accept the will of God never leads
to the miserable feeling
that it is useless to strive anymore.
God does not ask for the dull, weak,
sleepy acquiescence of indolence.

 He asks for something vivid and strong.
He asks us to cooperate with him,
actively willing what he wills,
our only aim his glory. (Amy Carmichael)

Do you ever feel like it’s really difficult to follow the Lord’s commands? I mean on a daily basis. Think about the things that God gives us as instructions as how to live the lives that He has for us. He tells us not to worry. He tells us to trust him completely. He tells us to love Him with all of our hearts, souls and strength. He tells us to love our neighbors as our selves. He tells us not to worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will care for it self. He tells us to trust Him completely and in doing so be led by Him down His path for our lives. He tells us not to fear but that He will take care of our every need. He tells us that if our ways please Him that He will make even our enemies be at peace with us. He tells us that if we train up our children His way that when they are old they will not depart from it. There are hundreds of other things that the Lord tells us to do that provide for us the way to experience life at it’s full. Do we take Him at His word?

Out of the many things that our God tells us to do in order to have the life that He’s created us for, there are other things that He tells us not to do in order to receive the same. It’s been that way since the beginning. Adam and Eve were told to do many things, but one thing that they were told not to do, they did and it changed history forever and the penalty was severe. How would things be different if they had only obeyed? Remember Achan in Joshua 7. Earlier he had been told not to keep the things devoted to the Lord, but he did it anyway. God was not pleased and Achan and all he had was destroyed. If only he had obeyed and waited. We see in chapter 8 that all Achan desired, worldly treasures, were already in God’s plan to give him, but due to his lack of trust, expressed through disobedience he never got to partake of God’s bounty.

How many things have we, will we miss out on that God has planned for us because of our impatience, fear, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc. all which when boiled down equal lack of trust. Father is not one who gives commands just for the sake of giving them, he does so with a much bigger picture in mind. Obedience opens the door to multiplied blessings that He is waiting to give to those who take the “risk” to trust in Him with all their hearts with the aim to bring Him honor and glory.

With you on the journey towards total trust,


Sunday, November 28, 2010

God Has Proved Himself

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

As I ponder the last tweleve months since we last celebrated the Thanksgiving season as a church and as a nation, I am overcome with emotion as I think of all that God has done for me and my family. We have been so blessed financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically and in countless other ways that God has chosen to show Himself faithful and trustworthy. God has proved Himself, once again to be faithful and able to do exceeding, abundantly above what we were able to ask or think. It’s a good season and for that I give Him praise!

How has your year been? If God’s hand of blessing has been obvious in your life, lift up your praise and shout it from the rooftops in proclamation of the goodness of the Lord. On the other hand you may be wiping the tears and blood stains off of yourself as you are just desperatly holding on due to what you’ve been dealt this year. Maybe it’s a death, a divorce, loss of a job, a horrible marriage situation, a rebelious child, diaognosis of a terrible disease. Whatever it is and as bad as it might hurt, because of Who He is, all of us can, if we’ll put our trust in Him, say like the hymn writer Horatio Spafford, “Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul.”

The Lord never tells us to be happy about everything that we already have or will go through, but we are told to give thanks in the midst of each of those circumstances. Why, because it feels good? No, rather because He is good and no matter what our situation, He is using and will continue to use it to finish what He has begun in us with the goal of making us more like Jesus. (Phillippians 1:6)

This Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year season, no matter what you are going through, take a moment, even if you cannot think of anything else and thank God for who He is and for making a way for you to be His child. Just meditating on that gives us enough to be thankful for for the rest of eternity. If you are still struggling to find something to give thanks about, take a moment and thank God that you have the ability to read this.


Pastor MJ

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Two Ways to Give Thanks

Thank You.

The power of those two words is amazing. Saying thank you and showing appreciation is so important that Jesus shows us in Luke 17:17 how much it disappointed Him when 9 people who had been blessed by him did not return to give thanks.

Being thankful is so important that God expresses in His word that, not only is it important but that giving thanks is His will for us. (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 )

There are two ways to say thanks.

First, there are the words – Thank you! I was taught from a very young age that when someone does something for you, that you should say thank you. It’s what we used to call a common courtesy. That courtesy is unfortunately not too common anymore. I believe it’s because we, especially in this blessed country of ours take so many things for granted. Have you ever done something for someone and not received a thank you? How does that make you feel? Saying thank you shows that the recipient appreciates what the giver has done or said. It recognizes that the giver did not have to do or say it, and it shows that the recipient does not take for granted the graciousness of the giver.

Secondly, there is the action – Thankfulness! Not only do words express thanks, but our actions and reactions give a glimpse into the true source of thankfulness, that is the heart. I remember when I got my first car. It was a 1976 Catalina! It was a tank, but it was mine. More than that, it was graciously given to me by an aunt who loved me, who cared enough to see a need of mine and meet that need. I remember her taking it to her personal mechanic and having it checked out. I remember that she had it detailed and got it looking incredible before she presented it to me. My heartfelt response was first a huge hug and verbal thank you, followed by a thank you note, but deeper way that I expressed my thanks was to care for that car like it was gold. Why didn’t I get on the road and drive recklessly, because that would have shown disregard for the gift that was given to me. Taking care of that car was an expression of thankfulness to my aunt for loving me enough to give it to me.

How have you said thank you, to the Lord lately? Notice I didn’t say, “What do you have to be thankful for.” That is because, if you can read this, you have at least one reason to give thanks.

Today, take a moment and exercise the two modes of thanks. First, acknowledge what you have to be thankful for than say, “Thank you.” Follow that up by taking care to live in such a way that will cause the Lord to be glad that He presented you with that gift!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Forgiven The Greatest, Loves The Most

“He, who is forgiven the greatest, loves the most.”
(See Luke 7:41-43)

Wherefore I say unto thee,
Her sins, which are many, are forgiven;
for she loved much.  (Luke 7:47)

As I write this, I’m aware of the depth of gratitude I owe because of the sins that God has forgiven me for. My debt is huge, but by His grace, love and mercy, I’ve repented, asked for forgiveness, begged for mercy and have been forgiven. Hallelujah! However, at times when I’ve been wronged I’ve gotten angry, held grudges and let it be known that it was not going to be easy for me to forgive or forget what the person had done. Even after God had “forgiven my sin and cleansed me from all righteousness” and had “cast my sin as far as the east is from the west” and “remembered my sin no more”, I still had trouble forgiving.

In light of my being forgiven greatly, I should always forgive greatly. Anyone who has any idea of the magnitude of their sin against God, after having been forgiven should by the power of the Spirit be the greatest forgivers.

Well, you may say, “I don’t have trouble forgiving others, I just can’t forgive myself!” My friend, no where in scripture does it say that you must forgive yourself. Many people are weighed down by the guilt and inability to forgive themselves. When in reality it is God’s forgiveness that we should truly seek. Yes, we should seek the forgiveness of others that we have offended, but even then, we are not required to receive their forgiveness and therefore should not be crippled if we don’t received it. The damage in that relationship may very well be a consequence that we may have to live with. However, Jesus paid the debt for our every sin and in reality every offense is ultimately against Him. When He forgives and cleanses from all unrighteousness He can pave the way as we live under His grace towards reconciled relationships that seemed impossible to mend.

Many times we seek forgiveness from others so that our circumstance will change and we’ll feel better. Seeking forgiveness from God paves the way for the changes to occur in us first and then by God’s grace our circumstances will follow through a journey of repentance, reconciliation and restoration, all of which begin with God first.

The next time you find it hard to forgive go back and read about the cross of Christ (Isaiah 53:5) and realize it was for you that died. Realizing that should help us in our decisions to forgive our offenders.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Have Fought the Good Fight

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith. (2 Tim 4:7 NIV)

Throughout history we have examples of men and women who began their journeys as husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, pastors, businessmen, and friends with a bang. Life was good and they were at the top of their game in every area of life. Their walk with God was good, their relationships with their wives/husbands and children seemed to be second to none. Their zest for life was energized simply by waking up in the morning. Then something happened, the circumstances of life took over and some, sadly enough, ended their journey here, sad, burnout, brokenhearted, rejected and alone.

Finishing well begins by viewing life not as a sprint, but rather as a marathon. Sprinting through life puts the weight of completion on our shoulders and when circumstances cause us to trip and fall, we become disillusioned and often feel like failures and ultimately, many times give up. Realizing that life is a marathon helps us to make it through the pit falls of life and get up again, not to give up, but rather to continue towards the finish line of life, longing to hear the most important duel words in eternity, well done.

Satan would have us think that we should rush though life and get all we can before the other guy gets it and all the while destroying anyone or thing that gets in our way. Jesus on the other hand set the example of the marathon in life that takes one day, one moment, one circumstance, one person at a time, keeping our eyes on the “Author and Finisher of our faith!” (Hebrews 12:2)

Where are you today? Are you on the sidelines, tired, bruised and injured after a long sprint? My friend, it’s not over, it’s far from over. Extend your hand out and our Lord and a brother or sister in Christ will join hands with you and help you to the finish line. Are you running well? Slow down and take a moment to pick someone else up and don’t rush through life so fast that you forget that you won’t truly finish well unless you bring someone else across the finish line with you. Whether talking about your marriage, your job, your health or most importantly your walk with God, determine not to only be good today, but to, with the Lord’s help, finish well.

Pastor MJ

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Semper Fidelis

As the website comes into focus, you hear: “From now on you will speak only when spoken to and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be ‘yes sir’!” And to the left of the screen it says, “Become a Marine!”

As I read through the Marine code of conduct, I was struck by the fact that these men and women basically sell themselves out to defending and if need be, giving their lives for our country and our way of life. They take a vow to these six articles:

Article I: I am an American, fighting in the armed forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

Article II: I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender my people while they still have the means to resist.

Article III: If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

Article IV: If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep my faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

Article V: When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give only name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.

Article VI: I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my action, and dedicated to the principles which make my country free. I will trust in my God and the United States of America.

How are we believers in the faithfulness department? Do we take a vow with Galatians 2:20, proclaiming that “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” and then in the midst of hardship, succumb to the realities of life and forsake what Christ has called us to do and to be?

It has been said of the Marines:
“The few the proud the Marines”.
It has been written of heaven: “For many are invited,
but few are chosen”. (Matt. 22:14)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What a Day That Will Be!

Well, I did it! I finally went to a Homecoming at my college alma mater. It’s been 25 years since graduation and except for one or two people in my class, we have not been in the same room for over 20 years. I didn’t know what to expect. With the help of Facebook, I was able to make sure that I was up on some names and faces, but was mostly wondering what the conversations would be like. My journey has taken me to extreme highs and lows over the past 25 years and I knew others might have the same story.

What I experienced was nothing less than a joyful reunion of (now) men and women with whom I had shared my life with for 4-5 years during our early adulthood. It was like we picked up where we left off. One morning, I was walking down a stair case and from a distance, I see three guys with whom I had shared life with from 18-21 years of age and all I me with was smiles, laughter, hugs and jokes about my bald head! It was glorious!!

As the weekend went on, laughter was mixed with shared stories of difficulties and hope, failure and restoration, and in the end we all were comforted with the reality that time changes many things, but one thing remains the same, God is good and God is faithful!

As incredible as my 25th reunion/homecoming was, I can only imagine what heaven is going to be like? When we open our eyes for the first time and take our first breath on the other side, what will our reaction be? I’m not sure, but one thing I do know is that it won’t be long before each of us begins to perhaps hum then sing, bow then pray as we join with the myriads of those who preceded us, in worshipping the One who remains Good and Faithful for all time and eternity. What a day that will be!

In a loud voice they sang:
"Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain,
to receive power and wealth
and wisdom and strength
and honor and glory and praise!"
Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth
and under the earth and on the sea,
and all that is in them,
singing: "To him who sits on the throne
and to the Lamb
be praise and honor and glory and power,
for ever and ever!" The four living creatures said,
"Amen," and the elders fell down and worshiped.
Revelation 5:12-14 (NIV)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jesus Is Lord

What comes to mind when you think of “Lordship”? We hear that word used a lot, especially as we sing words phrases such as “He is Lord”, “Lord, I lift Your Name on high”, “Lord, You are…”, “The Lord is Good,” or “In my life, Lord, be glorified.” We use it when we pray, “Dear Lord…”, but what does this word mean in our relationship to Jesus?

For many years, I thought that I had to get to a point in my life where I allowed Jesus to be “Lord” over my life; that I had to allow Him to be “Lord over all or He was not Lord at all…” Those make for compelling lyrics, and in truth I can daily give more of myself to Him to be under His control, but the truth of the matter is that Jesus is Lord, period. “He is Lord of heaven, Lord of earth, He is Lord of all who live, He is Lord above the universe, all praise to Him we give!” (see Revelation 17:14)

What we must realize is that Jesus is Lord and it’s up to us to accept that fact and live according to that reality. Either we will accept His Lordship under His grace and mercy in this life, or we will be forced to accept it in his judgment and condemnation after this life is over.

His being Lord is not up for debate. Our acknowledgment and acceptance of His Lordship is what we are to live out and exclaim with our every breath! He is your Lord whether you like it our not. The question is whether you acknowledge it and choose to live like it. Just saying “He is Lord” does not make Him your Lord, either, however, saying it in truth only comes from the power and leading of God’s Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:3)

When Scripture says in Philippians 2:9, “…every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father,” these will not all be willing participants. Will you be? Are you now? This week read Romans 14:11 and be resolved with the right choice now and experience a life led by His Lordship today. Give Him your everthingness today. That is one way we can worship Him with our lives this week by acknowledging His Lordship in our lives and in all we do.

He is worthy of our doing so!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Christlike Infuuence We Have On Those Around Us

“What you do speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you’re saying!”

Have you ever wondered what kind of influence you have on those around you? Have you ever cared? Whether you know it or not, your life is influential to those around you.

Not too long ago, this fact was brought home to me in an encouraging way while I was visiting another church. I happened to see a young man that I hardly recognized. He said hello and I responded in kind, still unaware of who he actually was. Sensing my confusion, he told me his name. I could not believe it! As we spoke, he told me what he had been doing since we last saw each other. He then told me that he was in college and that a visit we had years ago greatly influenced his decision to go to the school he was attending. I didn’t even remember talking with him about college, but he said that my excitement and encouragement about this school had made him take a closer look and he found that it was exactly what he was looking for.

Later, after reflecting on this conversation, my heart was prompted to think of what Heaven will be like. Will anyone there approach me and tell me that they were encouraged toward the Savior because of something I did or said to them here?

Our worship time together today lends itself to our being excited about what we have in Christ. Are those around us during the week, our families included; just as excited as they see us live out our lives? When we suffer do they wonder where our strength comes from? When they ask how we handle the difficulties in life, do we tell them of the hope that we have in Christ? When we rejoice, is our praise directed toward Father God?

Everyday, with every breath we take and every decision we make, we advertise something. What kind of advertisement are you and I for the Lord?

As we live in the world that God has given to us this week, remember that there are many who need Jesus, all around you, to whom you will be the closest that they will every get unless they accept Him personally. Let’s walk the walk before them.

“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts,
known and read by everybody.”
(2 Corinthians 3:2 NIV)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Do Not Do It… Worship God!

At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me,
"Do not do it… Worship God!” (Rev 19:10 NIV)

As John was caught up with what he was seeing in heaven he was so overcome with the culture of praise and worship and being in the presence of the Almighty that he began to worship the messenger of God rather than the God of the message. The angel reminded him that there is only one who is worthy to be worshipped and that is God Almighty! We are created to be worshippers. Every created being is made with the ability and the drive to worship, to give worth to something, someone higher than themselves.

The problem comes when the object of our worship is wrong. Since the beginning of time people have been worshipping “out of focus”. This happens when we see incredible things coming from something that has been created and we become so focused on the beauty, the talent, the power, the love, the comfort, or the provision that we forget where those things ultimately originated from.

Lest we think that only those who worship trees, the sun, feet, or animals are the only ones off course, consider some of the things even many Christians can fall into the trap of worshipping and by doing so, ascribe more worth to the creation than to the Creator. For example:

Financial stability – instead of worshipping the One who provides.
A loved one – instead of worshipping the One
who brought the loved one into our lives.
A sports hero – instead of worshipping the one
who gave them their talents and abilities.
The tools of worship – instead of worshipping
the Object of our worship.
Physical beauty – instead of worshipping the One
who fashioned the beautiful one.

God is the only one worthy to receive our worship. Today, ask the Lord to reveal in your life where this may be out of line. Is it your finances, your family or even your religion? Talk to Him about it today and make the journey back to the place where He receives the worship that He is worthy of. Be sure to thank Him for the gift, but never allow your thankfulness for the gift to get in the way of your worship of the Giver.

Pastor MJ

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Worship - Sole Occupation

Living a lifestyle of worship! As we look at a glimpse of heaven as portrayed in scripture we see that worship will be our sole occupation in heaven. I’ve been with over 22,000 believers shouting out to God while they worship Him with everything that is in them. It was an awesome sight to behold and to be a part of. But what will heaven be like? Well, we won’t know until we get there, however, we don’t have to wait to get there to live lives that worship Him day by day. How can we begin now what we will spend eternity doing?

Psalm 113:3 says, “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.” Most likely, the thing or person that you are the most in love with will occupy your mind and your thoughts at the beginning of your day. Is that God? How about starting the day off talking to the Lord? Take a moment and praise Him for the sunrise, for the ability to see the sunrise. Thank Him for one more day to serve Him here on this earth. Think about the blessings of the past week and take a moment before you begin your activities of the day and bow before Him and adore Him by singing a love song to Him. Use the words in scripture or let the emotion from your heart be poured out to Him.

In the middle of your day you are struggling. You have been wronged at work, you’re tired, you’ve got problems at home that you cannot get off of your mind and you’ve got financially problems that seem to pile up every day. During your lunch break or at your desk, take a moment and bow your head or get on your knees at your chair and pour your heart out to God. Tell Him that you are struggling and that you are at the end of your rope. Tell Him that you have been anxious and that your heart has not been focused on the right things. Confess everything that is on your heart to Him and tell Him that you need Him to step Him. Tell Him that He is worthy of you giving your all to Him and then do it.

As you drive home that evening and think over your day the Lord lays someone on your heart that you know is in need. The Holy Spirit prompts you to pray for them, do so and then ask God for wisdom and the words to say and then ask God what you can do to minister to them and show them His love and then do it. When you are done, praise Him for being a God who knows everything and is concerned about our every need.

Before you turn your lights out at night reflect on your day. Think about the ways that God revealed Himself to you through the day. The ways that He’s blessed you, protected you, provided for you and met you. Take the next moment and kneel by your bed and lift up praise and adoration to Him for being such an awesome God!

That’s a day filled with acts of worship. That’s a day where worship was our lifestyle. That’s a day when we put a smile on Father’s face. May we together live more and more days where we make it our goal to worship Him with our everythingness “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets”.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

War Is Hell

War, it has been said, is “hell!” It indeed is a terribly awful experience as known by anyone who has been in one. People die; the innocent as well as the guilty. Homes are lost, lives are ruined, societies and landscapes alike are at times changed forever. As descriptive as the original one who coined that phrase is, it falls short of understanding what hell will be like. The most devastating war in history does not equal what a Christ-less hell will be like.

Amazingly enough, however, there are and have been men and women throughout history who have been willing to put their lives on the line and in many cases give their lives in war so that a cause would succeed.

The Bible describes a cause that comes from the God of the universe. It tells us that this cause, a restoration of relationship with Himself and His creation, was important enough for Him to enter a war in which many would die, but in this war the supreme sacrifice would be made in order to secure eternal victory. The King would give His life in order to defeat the powers of hell. (John 3:16)

Today, as we reflect on and celebrate the Lord’s Supper, let us never forget this memorial event. Jesus entered a war that had as its stake the souls of mankind. The result of a loss would have ended with every man, woman and child enduring an eternal separation from God. But glory to God, Christ is victorious and has overcome sin, death and hell with the price of His own blood. However, failure to receive this free gift from the Savior will still result in eternal separation from God in a hell where the pain and suffering and ravages of a spiritual war will last unquenchable forever.

One day the wars on earth will cease. Where we will spend eternity will determine whether or not we’ll experience the reality of that opening statement. My friend, if you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, allow Him to make today your spiritual birthday. Receive His free gift that he fought for in the war of all wars and won! If you already have, make a commitment today to tell this good news to as many others as possible. Shout it out loud, Jesus saves!!! Praise and worship Him for that truth this week.

Pastor MJ

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Don't Brag About Tomorrow

“Don't brag about tomorrow, since you don't know
what the day will bring”.
Proverbs 27:1

Yesterday, we remembered as a nation the 9th anniversary of the tragic events of September 11th, 2001. That will be a day that I will never forget. I was ministering at a church in New Jersey that morning as I heard the news of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center. I immediately ran next door to the youth pastor's home and watched the events unfold on TV. As the day continued the news got worse as I learned that some people whom I knew, some whom I had just seen the day before in church were in those buildings. It would be days before we knew the hard truth that some would never return. As I drove back in forth to work for several days the reality hit me like a ton of bricks as I passed the parking lot by the train station to NYC only to see cars that did not move and would be later towed away, the owners never to return.

A couple of weeks later after talking with a member of the worship team who got out alive, I was reminded of the loose way we have to hold on to things in this life. How we cannot, as the bible says, boast about tomorrow, because we don't know what the next moment will bring.

I've never seen people pull together, fill churches, look out for others the way that I saw people respond during that time. As my sister in-law walked across the bridge from Manhattan into New Jersey from the Empire State building, people were waiting there just to offer rides to perfect strangers. The amazing thing about this event is what seemingly happened just five to six months later. When the dust settled and the danger didn’t seem eminent, people began to go back to normal and life their lives like before, not remembering the unsure nature of tomorrow.

How would you live your life if you knew that today was your last day on earth? More than that, how would you live it if you knew that your life would end in a tragic way that would affect your family for the rest of their lives? Would you talk differently? Would you make different decisions? Would you spend more time with them? If you knew you would be in the presence of Jesus tomorrow, would you try and get to know Him better before you see Him? If you knew that you’d be entering into eternity tomorrow, would you want to firm up where you’d be spending it?

Truth be told, the guarantee of the state of our lives today is no different than it was for those men, women and children in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania in 2006 before the first plane struck. None of us knows what tomorrow will bring, and with that in mind we should live each day, each moment to it’s full, in a way that is pleasing to the Lord so that what ever moment here we enter a timeless eternity, our Lord will greet us with a huge “well-done!”

As you worship today, take this moment and express your praise to Him like it was your last, and if it is, wonderful, if not praise Him even more. If you are blessed to be here tomorrow, take a moment and remember all that you have to be thankful for and tell those that you can things that you should and that you might not be able to tell them tomorrow.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Do Not Boast About Tomorrow

Do not boast about tomorrow,
for you do not know what a day may bring forth. Proverbs 27:1

There are not many things that we can be sure of. None of us can wake up tomorrow morning and say that your job, your marriage, your finances, your home, your health or anything else are for sure. Many people in New Orleans and Mississippi built homes and businesses in recent years believing that they’d be there for a very long time if not forever. Today they are left with the clothes on their backs and their lives and some have less than that. There is only one thing that we can be sure of and that is God’s Word. Whatever God says will come to pass. Things He says about history, promises that He makes and things He claims about Himself are for sure.

The book of Romans gives us hope against all hope as we see God’s Word declaring truths about what He has done for us and Paul tells us what our responses should be towards this Awesome God. Listen for a moment to the voice of God: “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…” (8:1); “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him…” (8:28); “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (5:8); “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (8:38).

How do we respond to a God who has done so much for us and who did so even at the expense of His being responsible for the death of His only Son? We do so by renewing our minds (12:2), by using the gifts we’ve been given for His glory (12:4-8), and by living lives of obedience and living worshipfully each day walking with the God of our salvation, singing this song with our lives:

“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and
Knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments,
and His paths beyond tracing out!
Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been His counselor? Who has ever given to God
That God should repay Him?
For from him and through him and to him are all things.
To him be the glory forever! Amen. (Romans 11:33-36)

Today, let’s worship Him with everything within us. He’s worth the effort.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Remember That You Are Lord

“Almighty God, when all hell is breaking loose
against me, help me to remember that You are Lord,
that You are able, that You are present.
Help me to lift my eyes from earthly conflict
To see Your heavenly power. Cause me to know the
Peace that passes understanding, a peace
That comes from acknowledging Your lordship
In every circumstance of my life..”
(a prayer taken from the NIV Worship Bible Exodus 14:14)

As we look at the children of Israel in the book of Exodus, how many times can and do we see ourselves. God had just done so many miracles, things that only He could have done. They had watched Him turn the Nile river into blood; cover the land of Egypt with frogs, gnats and flies. They had seen God kill all of the livestock of the Egyptians, but spare theirs. The had witnessed God sending boils to cover all of the men and animals throughout the land. These people had seen God rain down hail on the land of Egypt and destroy everything growing in the fields. Then they saw the plague of locusts and darkness that culminated in the death of all of the first born of Egypt while all of God’s chosen people who where covered by the blood of the lamb did not see death. You would think that after all of that, trusting God would not be an issue with these folks. However, our human nature is strong and how soon we forget God’s gracious provisions and protection when the going really gets tough.

Their thought was that this had to be a trick. All that separated them from their enemy was land and in front of them sat the Red Sea. They cried out to Moses, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!”(14:11-12). However, God in His incredibly gracious way, once again provided for His own. He opened a way where there was no way. He made a roadway in the wilderness and a path way through the sea. The pathway of life for the Lord’s people became a roadway of death for the Egyptians. God had given His word through Moses and Aaron that they were going to a land that He had prepared for them. He had made a covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. He was not about to break His promise. However, circumstances were giving other signals.

God has given us His word. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. In every circumstance He has promised to meet our every need! He has promised to not only hear, but to answer our prayers. We need but to exercise our faith and believe Him at His Word. He is worthy to be trusted, He has never failed. Praise His Name!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Will Boast Only In The Lord

“Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine inheritance, now and always;
Thou and Thou only, First in my heart,
High King of heaven, my Treasure Thou art.”
~”Be Thou My Vision”
Ancient Irish Hymn (8th Century)

In this world of vast material wealth it’s easy to see how people can be overcome with the desire to get more and more and never have enough. Boasting is something that many shy away from verbally, but many show in the way that they live. It’s easy for this to happen especially when you begin to believe your own press. You’ve succeeded by the world’s standards and everyone is always telling you how great and wonderful you are. The success may not be financial; it may be in sports, or in your job. Maybe you’ve been a wonderful and proactive parent and your children are very successful.

Whatever our success may be, we must never forget where the ability to succeed comes from. That’s important especially when you realize that God’s standard of success is far different than man’s standard. God in his gracious wisdom and love has given all of us the potential for success. The world exalts the wise, the strong, and the powerful as being the examples of success. God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. (1 Corinthians 1:27) He has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He has chosen the powerless people, the ordinary people to proclaim the Almighty One.

That brings great comfort to me. Knowing that I don’t have to compare myself to others gives me great comfort because there is always someone better or more gifted. But thankfully that is not what God is looking for. What He is after is a person who is willing, and has an available heart where He can reside and work His wonders in and through. That takes the pressure off of us to be the “best”. Who came up with that anyway? Where does Jesus command us to be the best? We are told to do our best, and to give of our best, but the difference comes with who is ultimately in control. When we try to be the best it’s easy to boast in our own strength. When we do our best in His strength and rely on God for the results, it’s easier to give the glory where the glory is deserved.

As you worship today, thank and praise God that He is willing and ready to use you to show the world that He is a kind, just and righteous God! Wow, what an honor!

Pastor MJ

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The LORD Is My Shepherd

“Even through I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

The 23rd Psalm, what a beautiful and treasured passage which reminds us that as our Shepherd, God loves and cares for each one of us! We are also reminded of the relational aspect of our walk with God. When temptations face us, we can turn to the One who is ever present and who loves unconditionally. Our Shepherd who desires to do far beyond what we can imagine does just that!

Awhile back, I received from a friend, a wonderful way to read through and understand the Lord’s Prayer. I want to share it with you and encourage you to thank God today for being the awesome God He is and for giving us His word not only to comfort us, but to give us strength to live victoriously in the midst of pain and temptation.

“The Lord is my Shepherd…THAT’S RELATIONSHIP!
I shall not want…THAT’S SUPPLY!
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures…THAT’S REST!
He leadeth me beside still waters…THAT’S REFRESHMENT!
He restoreth my soul…THAT’S HEALING!
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness…THAT’S GUIDANCE!
For His name sake…THAT’S PURPOSE!
Yea, though I walk though the valley of the shadow of death…THAT’S CHALLENGE!
I will fear no evil…THAT’S ASSURANCE!
For though art with me…THAT’S FAITHFULNESS!
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me…THAT’S SHELTER!
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies…THAT’S HOPE!
Thou anointest my head with oil…THAT’S CONSECRATION!
My cup runneth over…THAT’S ABUNDANCE!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…THAT’S BLESSING!
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord…THAT’S SECURITY!

Isn’t God good? That’s something to praise Him for today!
With you on the Journey,

Mark Jones
Worship Pastor

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Back In The Day

“Back in the day” I remember arriving at church seeing people exiting their cars with smiles. Hugs and handshakes would be followed by the infamous, “how are you?” and the just as infamous, “just fine”. Just what does “fine” mean anyway? I knew many of these people and knew that everything was not “just fine”. So why the game face? Many days I wondered why we’d gather on Sunday. From my vantage point there was no difference in the way we left from the way we came in. It never seemed like we were on common ground as to why we were there. Why not just stay home?

Think for a moment, what is it about Sunday gatherings that we can’t do at home? We’ve got bibles; we can read them at home. With the availability of videos and the internet we can get incredible teaching. Pastor Jeff’s sermons are online; why not just log-on? Christian music is everywhere; there are recordings of live worship experiences, DVD’s, video’s, and other multimedia experiences. Why not just pop one in with your pj’s on and worship at home? Why rush out on Sunday morning when you can stay at home; avoid the arguments in the car and sleep in and worship at “Bedside Tabernacle”? Why should you be here and not make it a practice to worship on a fishing boat or at the lake house or on the golf course? God it there too, so why gather here with those around you today?

First of all, because God’s Word tells us to (see Hebrews 10:25). God uses people. If you are a believer, you don’t have the option to be a spectator today. You are here to bring, and to respond. We are to bring praise, thanksgiving, adoration, needs, joys, pain, sorrow, success, failure, etc. and together present them to the Lord. We bring Him all that we are because He is worthy. We are to respond to Him and all that He is and allow that to make a difference in the way we listen, sing, and relate to others. One of the reasons we do that together is for encouragement. As I see you, hurts and all magnifying Him, I am encouraged to do the same. As we listen to the truth of God’s Word together and I see you struggling during the week, we can remind each other of the truths we’ve learned. As we gather together we represent that we are family, a community of believers with the same purpose of glorifying God with our “everything-ness”. To love the Lord our God with our whole being and to be encouraged to do that together and be equipped for the week ahead. To proclaim together that He is good and that no matter what our week brings that He is still good and that we’ll be there for each other. Let’s never allow corporate gatherings to be just something that we do when we want. It’s a command; it’s a privilege; let’s make it a lifestyle.

He is worthy and we won’t regret it.

Pastor MJ

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Path of Life

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.—Psalm 16:11

How many of us live with a heavenly perspective on life? By heavenly perspective, I mean seeing life through the lens of eternity. I remember as a young boy, I prayed and talked with my family and friends constantly, about my hope that the rapture would not come before I got married and had the opportunity to experience being married and all that marriage had to offer like being a dad. I remember hearing messages and religious leaders, especially in the late seventies talk about how imminent the return of Christ was, even setting dates. I remember praying desperately and asking God to “wait” until I got married. Well, I can’t say that the fact that I’m married and am a dad 4 times over (one is in heaven) is a direct answer to my prayers, but it has happened and I’m glad that God has blessed me in this way.

However, as I’ve grown in the Lord and come to understand His word better I now see things a bit differently. Not that I would change my situation at all, but as I see and understand it now, if the Lord had come back prior to 1991 when Rebecca and I got married, I would have not only not missed being married, but in heaven I would not even give it a second thought, as being in the presence of God would be my delight, my focus, and my pleasure. How different would our lives be if we walked day in and day out viewing everything through eternal lenses?

We face difficulties, pain and suffering and vast uncertainties each and every day. Left to dwell on what life brings us along, we travel a road of hopelessness and fear. But when we allow every aspect of our daily circumstances to be filtered through the truth of God’s Word, we are able to act and react in a way that is not only pleasing to the Lord, but that allows us to walk in freedom from fear and anxiety. The old hymn puts it this way,

“When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, what a glory he sheds on our way! While we do His good will, he abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other
way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” John H. Sammis

My friend, no matter what today will bring, ask Father God to help you to see your situation through His eyes and whether it’s sickness, debt, relational problems or even death may His Word give you hope for not only a new day, but a better day “tomorrow”! Remember, it may be today!

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself,
that where I am you may be also.”
—John 14:1-3

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I Will See the Goodness of the Lord

“I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:13-14 NIV)

Have you ever had “one of those weeks”? You might be saying, “Mark, I have one of those lives!” I often feel bad about expressing how I feel about different life circumstances. I know I’m not supposed to complain or be anxious. I know there is always someone worse off than me. I know that a better day is coming, but to be honest, sometimes I’ve just got to let it out and tell it like it is when life really hurts.

That’s what I love about the Word of God. Father knew what my week would be like and He had the testimonies of Elijah, Job, Habakkuk, Joseph, Thomas, Jesus and especially my fellow worship leader David, and their experiences included in His Word so that I could see that it’s okay to tell Father how I’m feeling. It’s okay to scream out, to cry to agonize and to hurt. However, although Father accepts us as we are, He loves us too much to leave us there. Because after we’ve had our say, He is there like he was with Habakkuk in chapter 1 verse 5 where he answered, “Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” God’s Word not only gives us the freedom to be honest it gives us the hope to endure.

David, after realizing he was up against many things, even death, took comfort in the realization that the Lord was his salvation, his shelter, his helper. Also, David was not content just to say, “a better day is coming”, he stood bold in God’s faithfulness and proclaimed that he’d see God’s goodness here, realizing that in that even in the midst of pain God’s faithfulness shines through; that even in the moments of doubt and fear, God’s presence and promises are near. He refused to forget in the dark what God had already reveled in the light.
Join me today in thanking God for the timeliness and strength that His Word gave us yesterday and gives us today and tomorrow. He is so good!

With you on the journey, MJ

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Be Honest With God

“Early the next morning Abraham got up and …. he set out for the place God had told him about.” (Alright God.)
(Genesis 22:3 NIV)

While listening to one of my favorite cd’s sometime ago, I was challenged about the way I respond to God in the midst of the circumstances He allows to come my way. The album begins with a story of a grandmother being awaken at 2am by her daughter and a boyfriend who wants to drop her baby off in order to go away. The grandmother, tired and frustrated, asks her daughter why she continues to do these irresponsible things while the daughter pleads and assures her that this will be the last time. For the next moments you hear the daughter yelling, the baby crying, the boyfriend blowing the car horn, yelling, “hurry up”. Then through the noise and confusion you hear the grandmother’s voice, “alright, Lord, alright.” Then she says to her daughter, “give me the baby”. The result of that response today is a young man who is influencing the world for God.

So often the circumstances in life come in such huge proportions that it’s easy to be blinded by the weight of the hurt, disappointment, sorrow and pain. The Lord has challenged me to try something. It’s a pattern of belief that we see throughout Scripture from men and women of God who were honest with their fear, but realized that God is greater; who were unsure of their future, but confident in their God.

As we read about Queen Esther being challenged to go before the king, risking death, I hear her say, “alright, Lord.” As Stephen knelt down receiving blows from the rocks, as Paul’s body was weighed down by the shackles, as John sat alone before being beheaded, as David rose from his son’s death bed, as Jesus stood up in the garden and faced his captors, and began His walk to the cross, I hear them all say, “alright, God”.
This week, as you and I face life, the good, bad and the ugly of life, let’s try something. Let’s be honest with God about how we are feeling and then as He reveals His answer through His word, His still small voice, and/or through our circumstances, let’s say with confidence in a Sovereign and loving Father, “alright, Lord” and begin walking…early.

With you on the journey, MJ

Sunday, June 6, 2010

God Himself Will Provide the Lamb

Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, "Father?" "Yes, my son?" Abraham replied.

"The fire and wood are here," Isaac said, "but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Abraham answered, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." And the two of them went on together. (Genesis 22:6-8)

Have you ever awoken early in the morning and felt like you are carrying the wood for your own sacrifice on your shoulders? Can you just imagine how Abraham felt that historic morning as he got out of bed and got dressed knowing he had to but not feeling good about the fact that God’s instructions did not come with an option to back out or compromise about killing his son?

Take a moment and think about your life. What impossibility are you facing today? What in your life is weighing so heavy on your heart that you can hardly breathe because of the intense pain?

Put that in perspective to Abraham’s situation. Here he is, a godly man and one day God comes right out and says, “Kill your son!” Abraham, being human like us, probably had deep emotions inside that surrounded his heart. What had God meant; all of the hopes, the dreams, could this be right? Could God really be telling him to kill his son? At that point in his journey, Abraham had nothing to hold on to except God’s promises. God’s word!

If Abraham had looked at his circumstances even if he had just looked at God’s command, he could have been very discouraged and rightly so. The situation he was in looked entirely different than what he had been told. God said that through Isaac that all nations would be blessed and that Isaac would be his heir. Well, if he killed him, how could this be? Abraham had such faith in God at this time that he knew that even if he had killed Isaac that God, in order to keep His promises, would have raised him from the dead in order to keep His word!

What is your Mount Moriah? What are you carrying that is causing you to think that if you have to carry it to the end that it will be an impossibility for God to come through with what He has promised?

Remember, He is Jehovah Jireh – the God Who Provides!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Stand in Awe

“Then the LORD said, "I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son."

Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him. Abraham and Sarah were already old and well advanced in years, and Sarah was past the age of childbearing. So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, "After I am worn out and my master is old, will I now have this pleasure?"”
Genesis 18:10-12

It continually makes me stand in awe as I think that the King of kings and Lord of lords loves me, and not that he loves me alone, but also desires for me to be in relationship with Him.

As I read through Scriptures, I notice several times when God is so grieved over man’s unfaithfulness, sin and rebellion, that He states that it is His desire to destroy them. However, as wicked as man has been, God has never destroyed all of mankind. And as a matter of fact, on many occasions, because of the prayers of faithful men, God changed his plan.

No matter how many times God proved his faithfulness, no matter how many times He proved that His promises are true, men and women through Scripture and still today cry, keep silent and or laugh in disbelief because of our lack of faith. Sarah was such a person. God had told Abraham and then Sarah that through them many nations would be born and blessed. Sarah had a hard time believing that especially since she was 90 and Abraham at this time was 100 years old. She had been barren that long, how could she possibly give birth for the first time now?
The Bible teaches that, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (2nd Peter 3:9)

Now, I imagine that God was at least hurt at Sarah’s disbelief, but His was probably also angry. He had provided, led, and guided them without fail up to this point and still she laughed with disbelief. Yet God kept all of His promises and delivered. Right on time!

What a gracious, loving, forgiving God we serve that in spite of our doubt, He still blesses. In spite of our fear, He still delivers! In spite of our unfaithfulness, He remains faithful.

Take a moment and consider the alternative. Do you agree that we indeed have reason to praise him for his faithfulness?

Take a week and do so.
Pastor MJ

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Humble Yourselves Before The Lord

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
James 4:10 (NIV)

The images are many. From David and Goliath to Rocky and Apollo Creed to the United States of America and the rest of the world; the truths of “pride going before the fall” and “the bigger they are, the harder they fall” remain true.

It has been a flaw in the heart of creation ever since Satan wished to be like God. Pride caused his fall and that same pride caused him to tempt Adam and Eve to think that they could become more than they really were, actually like God.

Scripture teaches us that God is a jealous God. "… for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God. Exodus 20:5 (NIV)

He’s not jealous because He’s afraid that someone else will get what’s rightfully His, He’s a jealous God because everything that exists is rightfully his and exists purely and solely for His honor and glory.

Anytime we do or take part in something without thought, concern or regard to what it means for God’s glory, we cross over from humility to pride. There is not a breath that we should take, or a plan we should make that does not first desire God’s will above all else. We are not to fit Him into our plans, rather we are to see His will and allow our plans to flow from His leading and guiding our hearts by the power of His Holy Spirit.

What recent plans have you made that, in your heart, God was not the Prime Mover in? Have you started on any journey that did not have Him at the wheel? Did you remember to say, as Scripture directs in James 4:13-15? (NIV) “Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."”

Today, let’s renew or begin our resolve to be humble before the Lord and allow Him to lead, guide and direct us according to His perfect will, not our own.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

From The Beginning, God’s Presence Broke Through Time

From the beginning, God’s presence broke through time and space and surrounded His creation. King David asked the question and supplied the answer as well as to the wonder of God’s presence in Psalm 139. Although almost too deep to comprehend, it is amazing to think that the God of the universe is everywhere, all of the time. Here is the timeless question in verse 7, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” And the response is a beautiful, pictorial answer leading us towards an incredible glimpse of the greatness of Almighty God. “If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.” (Psalm 139:8-12 NIV)

This truth is powerful, so powerful that it should shake us to the core of our beings and greatly affect the way that we live…and die.

Throughout the Bible, God’s presence is felt and experienced by men and women, young and old, rich and poor, slave and free. God’s presence always brought about change. Not always in the circumstances, but without fail in the person. The acceptance, acknowledgement and positive response to His presence brought favor. The rejection and negative response brought separation and judgment.

How have you and I responded to the presence of Almighty God this week? Today, as experience all God has in store for you, continually pray and ask Him to help you recognize and accept His presence in your life and circumstances.

Do you really, by faith, believe this? So, how then should we be living our lives today?

“His eyes see what mine see – His hands touch what mine touch
His feet go where mine go-His ears hear what mine hear.
His heart feels what mine feels –He is here.”


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

Some place in eternity, Jesus stepped into time and took a stroll through the vast expanse of nothingness and I can imagine the scene being something like this…

Day one---“Daddy, I created the earth and then made light and separated it from the darkness”...”That's good, Jesus!”

Day two---“Daddy, I separated the water into two parts, some for the
sky and some to cover the earth!” ... ”That's good, Jesus!”

Day three---“Daddy, guess what? Today I separated the sea from the dry
land and I put some plants and trees and lots of fruit. And I created this beautiful Garden!” ... ”That's good, Jesus!”

Day four---“Daddy, today I made the Sun and the Moon! I had so much fun I made billions of other stars and countless planets!” .... ”That's good, Jesus!”

Day five---“Daddy, today I spent time in the water and created some creatures to live in the oceans and I made many different kinds of birds to fly through the beautiful sky”… ”That's good, Jesus!”

Day six---“Daddy, today was filled with all kinds of wonder. I made land animals, ones that walk, some tall, and some really close to the ground. I made small ones, large ones and some to be used for work. And then I did as we talked about and made man in our image and then made him a partner. Daddy as I looked at them, I saw the Three of us.”… ”That's good, Jesus!”

Day seven---“Daddy, today I am going to rest. Today is a blessed and holy one. It is a good day.”

At one moment in time, the most precious of all His creation, the one made in His image, took tools from materials that He had made and killed Him. The creation killed the Creator! But all of this was the Father's plan. A plan that was born out of His love for you and for me. A plan that is available today, a gift that is free to you and me yet cost Him everything!

John 3:16. Christmas was the first expression, Good Friday showed the cost of that expression, Easter seals the deal of that expression and gives us eternal hope in the Giver of that eternal hope. May this Easter be your best one yet and that because you have given yourself completely to the one who gave all for you!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Palm Sunday

Happy Palm Sunday! Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

Just like those on the first “Palm Sunday”, we are here to praise and worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And like many in the crowd that day, each of us has our own expectations as to what Jesus’ presence will mean in our midst. Many that day thought He was coming to set them free from Roman oppression; that He was coming to set them free from earthly bondage. However, they learned quickly that the freedom from bondage that He brought was much different than they has imagined. This quickly turned their voices of praise to voices of rage.

Today, we are faced with the same Jesus, however instead of riding in on a donkey, He is here by His Holy Spirit, in the lives of His children and in the midst of this room in which we are gathering. His question to you today is, what will be your response to His coming?

Today, we are focusing on one of the central passages in Scripture today. John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (NIV)

That verse includes twenty six simple yet powerful words, powerful enough to change a life for eternity if received by faith in Jesus. Listen, with your heart and lift your voice in thankfulness and praise today, if you already know Jesus as your Savior. If you have never been introduced to Jesus, accept His Father’s invitation today to join His family by coming to Him through faith in His Son and receive His free gift of salvation.

No matter what your circumstances are today, He is here to meet you where you are and is ready and willing to give you a new life in Him, a life that is eternal but has incredible ramifications for your life today and in the days to come. May this be your best “Palm Sunday” ever.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

God's Presence

In the presence of Jehovah God Almighty,
Prince of Peace troubles vanish,
hearts are mended. In the presence of the King
Cathy Goddard

Throughout my life I have been overwhelmed with the subject of God's presence. From a very young age I was taught that God is omnipresent, meaning that He is everywhere. That is clear in the Bible.

Think about all of the places people met with God: on a mountain, on the sea, in the desert, in the furnace, in a lion’s den, at the bottom of an empty well, in front of a burning bush, in the Temple, in a

tent, in a garden, in a dream, in trouble, at a wedding, at homes, at dinner, in the sky, in the heavens. He was seen, heard and felt. From the first verse of the Genesis to the last verse of Revelation "He is here"!

This truth has always been a source of comfort to me, and rightly so. Knowing that God is always with me is my source of strength, my comfort, my peace and my hope. Last week, my brother made a comment. He said something like, "As I walk through life, in every situation I feel like mom's voice and presence is there and that keeps me from doing things that she taught me not to do as a child."

Then it hit me like a two by four, I've often practiced the presence of God very one dimensionally. I've soaked in the comforting aspect of His presence in my life, but I have only grazed the other aspect of His presence.

When God "came near" throughout history, people not only got comforted, they fell down as dead men. If we, if I truly understood what it means that God is with me 24/7 how different would my life be?

Have I been so enamored with the God of peace and comfort that I've forgotten the God in whose presence one cannot be in without the fear of death?

What difference should this make in our worship and in our moment by moment lives? After Easter we will take a journey together and see what being in God's presence really looks like. Hold on, it might look very different than you've always thought and lived.

Blessings, MJ