Sunday, November 21, 2010

Two Ways to Give Thanks

Thank You.

The power of those two words is amazing. Saying thank you and showing appreciation is so important that Jesus shows us in Luke 17:17 how much it disappointed Him when 9 people who had been blessed by him did not return to give thanks.

Being thankful is so important that God expresses in His word that, not only is it important but that giving thanks is His will for us. (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 )

There are two ways to say thanks.

First, there are the words – Thank you! I was taught from a very young age that when someone does something for you, that you should say thank you. It’s what we used to call a common courtesy. That courtesy is unfortunately not too common anymore. I believe it’s because we, especially in this blessed country of ours take so many things for granted. Have you ever done something for someone and not received a thank you? How does that make you feel? Saying thank you shows that the recipient appreciates what the giver has done or said. It recognizes that the giver did not have to do or say it, and it shows that the recipient does not take for granted the graciousness of the giver.

Secondly, there is the action – Thankfulness! Not only do words express thanks, but our actions and reactions give a glimpse into the true source of thankfulness, that is the heart. I remember when I got my first car. It was a 1976 Catalina! It was a tank, but it was mine. More than that, it was graciously given to me by an aunt who loved me, who cared enough to see a need of mine and meet that need. I remember her taking it to her personal mechanic and having it checked out. I remember that she had it detailed and got it looking incredible before she presented it to me. My heartfelt response was first a huge hug and verbal thank you, followed by a thank you note, but deeper way that I expressed my thanks was to care for that car like it was gold. Why didn’t I get on the road and drive recklessly, because that would have shown disregard for the gift that was given to me. Taking care of that car was an expression of thankfulness to my aunt for loving me enough to give it to me.

How have you said thank you, to the Lord lately? Notice I didn’t say, “What do you have to be thankful for.” That is because, if you can read this, you have at least one reason to give thanks.

Today, take a moment and exercise the two modes of thanks. First, acknowledge what you have to be thankful for than say, “Thank you.” Follow that up by taking care to live in such a way that will cause the Lord to be glad that He presented you with that gift!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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