Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Will Boast Only In The Lord

“Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine inheritance, now and always;
Thou and Thou only, First in my heart,
High King of heaven, my Treasure Thou art.”
~”Be Thou My Vision”
Ancient Irish Hymn (8th Century)

In this world of vast material wealth it’s easy to see how people can be overcome with the desire to get more and more and never have enough. Boasting is something that many shy away from verbally, but many show in the way that they live. It’s easy for this to happen especially when you begin to believe your own press. You’ve succeeded by the world’s standards and everyone is always telling you how great and wonderful you are. The success may not be financial; it may be in sports, or in your job. Maybe you’ve been a wonderful and proactive parent and your children are very successful.

Whatever our success may be, we must never forget where the ability to succeed comes from. That’s important especially when you realize that God’s standard of success is far different than man’s standard. God in his gracious wisdom and love has given all of us the potential for success. The world exalts the wise, the strong, and the powerful as being the examples of success. God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. (1 Corinthians 1:27) He has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He has chosen the powerless people, the ordinary people to proclaim the Almighty One.

That brings great comfort to me. Knowing that I don’t have to compare myself to others gives me great comfort because there is always someone better or more gifted. But thankfully that is not what God is looking for. What He is after is a person who is willing, and has an available heart where He can reside and work His wonders in and through. That takes the pressure off of us to be the “best”. Who came up with that anyway? Where does Jesus command us to be the best? We are told to do our best, and to give of our best, but the difference comes with who is ultimately in control. When we try to be the best it’s easy to boast in our own strength. When we do our best in His strength and rely on God for the results, it’s easier to give the glory where the glory is deserved.

As you worship today, thank and praise God that He is willing and ready to use you to show the world that He is a kind, just and righteous God! Wow, what an honor!

Pastor MJ

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