“Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No,"!” James 5:12

Long gone are the days of a handshake sealing a deal between two men; the days when a man’s word held such strength that a paper contract was not even necessary. It’s hard to imagine in today’s world sealing a deal by a man’s word and a handshake. Our culture is filled with contracts for everything from purchases to marriages; from music to “intellectual property”. It would border on foolishness in our day not to have a written contract for any major deal. Sad, but true, but a man’s word, many times is not his bond.
Have you ever had a friend who you trusted so completely that when he or she spoke it was as good as done; someone with whom the actual completion of a task was just a formality because if they spoke it you could release it as “tco’d” (taken care of)? There are not many things that I hold more precious than that kind of trust.
On a greater level, however, is the comfort in this, that the Lord is trustworthy and faithful. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 says, “The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.” And 1 Kings 8:56 states, “Not one word has failed of all the good promises he gave through his servant Moses.” There is nothing that God has spoken that will not come to pass. From the greatest promise to the most minute event, if God has spoken it, it will come to pass.
That, my friend, should be our greatest comfort and our greatest fear. It should be our greatest deterrent to sin and our most powerful key to live freely in extravagant grace.
Today, as we read and meditate on God’s Word, take a moment and praise God for each and every Word that proceeds from His mouth. And along with that cry out to Him for endurance to obey every command by the power of His Spirit.
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