Maybe you don’t struggle with feelings of inadequacy, you instead realize that you have been blessed with many gifts but you can’t seem to narrow them down. The opportunities to use your gifts in your area of passion seem to evade you year after year. You’ve prayed, you’ve contacted the movers and shakers in your field of interest, but you remain frustrated because nothing ever seems to pan out. “Why doesn’t the Lord just open up the door for me to do what I dream about every waking moment?” you ask yourself. Here again, you are not alone. The why questions seem to bleed through the pages of scripture as men and women both find themselves in situations that do not fit where they think they should be or what they think they should be doing. From Habakkuk to Esther, God has put his people in places and situations that may not fit their time table or ideal, but are perfectly fit in God’s mind “for such a time as this!”
Micah 6:8 states it simply, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.!” How are you feeling about life right now? Where do you think the future will bring you or hold for you? Let’s make a conscience choice each day to follow the words of Micah 6:8 and as many have found throughout history, God will take that seed and turn your situation into a beautiful and fruitful garden that will bless this world and the next for His honor and glory. So, don’t fret about tomorrow. Plan, and dream, but don’t fret and bloom where you are planted now!
Pastor MJ
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