Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lessons From A Labrador

Okay, have you ever had one of those moments in life where God teaches you a lesson through a very unlikely source? Well, it’s happened to me many times and the latest one was just this week.

It was the fifth day off from school this year for my children due to the snow and ice that blanketed North Texas. Record temperatures were set and in the twenty three years since I moved to Texas I’ve never seen freezing temperatures stay for more than 48 hours in a row. It was because of this and wanting to help warm our families’ tummy’s that Rebecca made an incredible pot of homemade chili and cornbread. It was a great meal and the family time around the table was great too.

While we were eating, our Black Lab Daisy sat quietly next to my leg. Every once in a while she would look up at me as to say, “Boy that smells good and if you don’t finish yours, can I have some?” I’d look at her and she wagged her tail. We finished dinner and as I scraped the dishes I realized that there was some chili left over in the bowls and I thought, “Daisy would love this!” I said to her, “Do you want some chili girl?” To which she jumped up with her tail wagging and tongue hanging out! As I prepared her bowl, she began to start at the dish, when I said, “No, girl – sit and wait.” You should have seen it, she sat down and waited until I was finished preparing her food and didn’t move until I said, “Okay, girl, go and eat!” She tore off to that bowl and for the next 10 minutes she became the happiest dog in the world! Waiting paid off!

As she was eating, I all but felt the hand of my Lord on my shoulder and it was like He whispered to me, “Mark, be like Daisy. Wait on me, trust in me, and believe in me. Because …”I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) See, the Lord has been working on me in the “Wait on me Category” and I’ve been struggling. I’m amazed how God loves me enough to speak loving truth to me and make sure I hear it, “by any means necessary”, even through Daisy!

“Father, thank you for your loving heart and your still small voice that reminds me that You are intimately involved in my every moment; lovingly caring enough to speak words of love and direction for me to know you better. Amen.”

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