Sunday, February 6, 2011

Atmospheric Praise

Have you ever walked into a room where you sense something and it overpowered you? Maybe it was a party or celebration and the joy present lifted your spirits by just walking into the room; maybe it was a funeral or a memorial service and the solemn mood weighed on you like a dark cloud; or maybe it was while you were sitting alone by a quiet stream in the mountains and the soothing calm of the running water, the sounds of the birds, and the wind blowing through trees wrapped you in a blanket of peace that you’ve never experienced before.

Corporate worship has an atmosphere too! My prayer is and has been that our worship times at Trinity Bible Church will “bring the church into alignment with the atmosphere that is around that throne of God in heaven!” It cannot be expressed enough that our times of worship together and in our daily walk are just glimpses of what we will be doing for all of eternity. Our occupation in heaven will be to worship Him forever. This will happen in many different ways, I am sure, but I know that when we “lift Him up” here that there is a constant echo in heaven doing the same.

I am reminded of this description of praise by Kenneth Osbeck:

P – Do it personally. Must be an individual experience
R – Do it repeatedly. Must become a daily way of life.
A – Do it affectionately. Must be done emotionally, not just as a routine habit.
I – Do it intelligently. Must be done thoughtfully – not in a vague, sentimental fashion.
S – Do it spiritually. Must be done out of an intimate relationship with the Lord.
E – Do it as a preparation for eternity. Must be done in the light of our future occupation in heaven.

May it be so in this place today and in your journey with our Lord this week!

Blessings, MJ

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