Sunday, February 27, 2011

Humble Yourselves Before the Lord

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
James 4:10 (NIV)

The images are many. From David and Goliath to Rocky and Apollo Creed to the United States of America and the rest of the world; the truths of “pride going before the fall” and “the bigger they are, the harder they fall” remain true.

It has been a flaw in the heart of creation ever since Satan wished to be like God. Pride caused his fall and that same pride caused him to tempt Adam and Eve to think that they could become more than they really were, actually like God.

Scripture teaches us that God is a jealous God. "… for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God. Exodus 20:5 (NIV)

He’s not jealous because He’s afraid that someone else will get what’s rightfully His, He’s a jealous God because everything that exists is rightfully his and exists purely and solely for His honor and glory.

Anytime we do or take part in something without thought, concern or regard to what it means for God’s glory, we cross over from humility to pride. There is not a breath that we should take, or a plan we should make that does not first desire God’s will above all else. We are not to fit Him into our plans, rather we are to see His will and allow our plans to flow from His leading and guiding our hearts by the power of His Holy Spirit.

What recent plans have you made that, in your heart, God was not the Prime Mover in? Have you started on any journey that did not have Him at the wheel? Did you remember to say, as Scripture directs in James 4:13-15? (NIV) “Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."”

Today, let’s renew or begin our resolve to be humble before the Lord and allow Him to lead, guide and direct us according to His perfect will, not our own.

“For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Luke 18:9-14 (NIV)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thank You

Thank you. Everyone appreciates hearing those words. However, many times although not always intentionally, we forget to thank those to who thanks is due. Although a common courtesy, the excitement of the gift often overshadows the giver.

Our Lord Jesus experienced that. In Luke 17 we see that Jesus heals ten lepers. Now just imagine. You are a leper, an outcast, set aside by society as untouchable. You look at yourself and your limbs are all but off. You are bandaged up and because of the lack of feeling in parts of your body you have several severe burns. Your life is a mess and your body is the same.

Then Jesus steps into your journey and heals you. Partial limbs become whole, gangrened skin becomes as soft and clear as a new born baby’s. A distorted face is made beautiful. What would be your first response? Well in Luke 17 we see that one man recognized the most important thing in being blessed, which is to remember to thank the giver of the blessing. But as we read, Jesus asked, Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?” (Luke 17:17 NIV)

So often we focus on and are carried away with the gift that we forget and neglect to thank the Giver.

This morning let’s take a moment and pause. Take an inventory of the past 12 months or more. What has God done for you? What has He done in you? Have you thanked Him for it? Is the Lord saying, “Where is ________? Didn’t I bless him/her too?”

You might be saying thinking that you’ve asked God for many things this year and “none” of them seemed to happen. My friend, God did hear each one of your prayers and He has not forgotten you or turned a deaf ear to your request. Keep your eyes on Him and through reading and meditating on His word, hold fast to His character and know that He will do what will bring Him the most glory and you the most good.

We have an opportunity to bless the Lord today. Take a moment and think about all that God has blessed you with. Here are some to ponder; salvation, a future with Him in Heaven, family, friends, finances, health, a home, children, food, to name a few.

It has always struck me and has made a deep impact on me that God included this story in Scripture. To think that the God of the universe desires and appreciates being thanked makes me want to find at least one thing a day to return to Him and thank Him for. Join with me today and do just that! May He never look at us walking away and say of us, “Didn’t I bless them too….how come (_______) didn’t say thank you?

To Him alone be the glory,

Pastor MJ

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lessons From A Labrador

Okay, have you ever had one of those moments in life where God teaches you a lesson through a very unlikely source? Well, it’s happened to me many times and the latest one was just this week.

It was the fifth day off from school this year for my children due to the snow and ice that blanketed North Texas. Record temperatures were set and in the twenty three years since I moved to Texas I’ve never seen freezing temperatures stay for more than 48 hours in a row. It was because of this and wanting to help warm our families’ tummy’s that Rebecca made an incredible pot of homemade chili and cornbread. It was a great meal and the family time around the table was great too.

While we were eating, our Black Lab Daisy sat quietly next to my leg. Every once in a while she would look up at me as to say, “Boy that smells good and if you don’t finish yours, can I have some?” I’d look at her and she wagged her tail. We finished dinner and as I scraped the dishes I realized that there was some chili left over in the bowls and I thought, “Daisy would love this!” I said to her, “Do you want some chili girl?” To which she jumped up with her tail wagging and tongue hanging out! As I prepared her bowl, she began to start at the dish, when I said, “No, girl – sit and wait.” You should have seen it, she sat down and waited until I was finished preparing her food and didn’t move until I said, “Okay, girl, go and eat!” She tore off to that bowl and for the next 10 minutes she became the happiest dog in the world! Waiting paid off!

As she was eating, I all but felt the hand of my Lord on my shoulder and it was like He whispered to me, “Mark, be like Daisy. Wait on me, trust in me, and believe in me. Because …”I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) See, the Lord has been working on me in the “Wait on me Category” and I’ve been struggling. I’m amazed how God loves me enough to speak loving truth to me and make sure I hear it, “by any means necessary”, even through Daisy!

“Father, thank you for your loving heart and your still small voice that reminds me that You are intimately involved in my every moment; lovingly caring enough to speak words of love and direction for me to know you better. Amen.”

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Atmospheric Praise

Have you ever walked into a room where you sense something and it overpowered you? Maybe it was a party or celebration and the joy present lifted your spirits by just walking into the room; maybe it was a funeral or a memorial service and the solemn mood weighed on you like a dark cloud; or maybe it was while you were sitting alone by a quiet stream in the mountains and the soothing calm of the running water, the sounds of the birds, and the wind blowing through trees wrapped you in a blanket of peace that you’ve never experienced before.

Corporate worship has an atmosphere too! My prayer is and has been that our worship times at Trinity Bible Church will “bring the church into alignment with the atmosphere that is around that throne of God in heaven!” It cannot be expressed enough that our times of worship together and in our daily walk are just glimpses of what we will be doing for all of eternity. Our occupation in heaven will be to worship Him forever. This will happen in many different ways, I am sure, but I know that when we “lift Him up” here that there is a constant echo in heaven doing the same.

I am reminded of this description of praise by Kenneth Osbeck:

P – Do it personally. Must be an individual experience
R – Do it repeatedly. Must become a daily way of life.
A – Do it affectionately. Must be done emotionally, not just as a routine habit.
I – Do it intelligently. Must be done thoughtfully – not in a vague, sentimental fashion.
S – Do it spiritually. Must be done out of an intimate relationship with the Lord.
E – Do it as a preparation for eternity. Must be done in the light of our future occupation in heaven.

May it be so in this place today and in your journey with our Lord this week!

Blessings, MJ