Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm Free

In September of 1862, President Lincoln declared what is known as the Emancipation Proclamation which, effective January 1, 1863, freed all slaves in all territories still at war with the union. This was the law that abolished the legal practice of slavery in our country. A day that forever changed the course of America. However, in some of the southwestern states this upset many slave owners; because this would mean that they would lose many workers and thus lose much money. So, in order to stop this they kept this news of freedom from their slaves. Therefore, even though these slaves were set free, they were still in bondage because they didn’t know of their new-found freedom.

However, on June 19th of that same year, the word arrived to all of the slaves and they then declared that day their independence day. They called this day “Juneteenth”.

As I ponder on this piece of American history, I think about the similarities in the spiritual realm. How many of us live day by day, moment by moment in slavery to our sin? Evil habits and lifestyles that have gripped us for years loom over you like a dark storm cloud with no relief in sight. As far as you are concerned, this life of failure and despair, guilt and depression is your destiny, with no way out.

My friend, listen no longer to your “old master!” He wants you to think that you are still his slave and under his control, when in reality you have been set free, you chains have been broken and you have a new name.

Jesus and His Father, with the sustaining power of His Spirit have emancipated you. You are freed from the power and penalty of sin’s chains on your life. Live, walk, and experience that freedom today. This Independence Day weekend as you praise God for the freedom we live, walk in and experience in our country, thank Him also for setting you free to experience all His is and all that He has for you, in this life and the next! Remember, just as the USA has her Lady Liberty as a symbol of freedom, we, as Christians have the symbol of the cross as our Statue of Liberty!

We are so blessed to live in America and enjoy its freedoms, but to be a Christian in America, we are doubly blessed! Give the Lord double praise and honor today, for He is indeed worthy. Happy Independence day!

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