Sunday, July 19, 2009

God Is Seldom Early But He's Never Late!

Stories have been told that prisoner’s who hold onto hope of one day being set free during their imprisonment do far better and live in a much better mental and physical state than those who have given up and lost all hope. The same stands true for those outside of actual physical prison walls, but find themselves in a world of heartache, pain and suffering. God’s Word encourages us to hold on to, not hope alone, but rather hope that is anchored by the character of Almighty God Himself.

One of the reasons, (there are many), that God can be trusted is because He has yet to fail; and He never will. Now, you may say, “well, He’s let me down before.” Many have felt that way, but it’s not because God has failed, rather, He may have “failed” to meet your expectations of what He would do. But, the Bible puts things in perspective when it says in Isaiah 55:9, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

God does not tell us to, nor expect us to understand everything. He does, however, tell us to live lives of faith and patience holding onto the promises that He has made. God never changes and God cannot lie so what He has promised He will do and what He does will stand firm and eternal because of who He is. Who He is along with all He’s done becomes an anchor for our faith to hold on to.

In the midst of the storms of this life the lyrics to the chorus of this song by Steve Adams give us a picture of God’s amazing peace and hope in the midst of the storms in our lives.

“There is peace in the midst of my storm-tossed life
Oh, there's an anchor, there's a rock to cast my faith upon.
Jesus rides in my vessel, so I'll fear no alarm
He gives me peace in the midst of my storm.”

Steve Adams Copyright 1978 Pilot music (ASCAP)

That peace is on a spiritual level is like a child who cannot swim, who’s father encourages him to jump off of the diving board into the deep end of the pool into his father’s arms…He’s asking you to leap into His arms today…He can be trusted. He does not lie and He does not change. Millions of your “brothers and sisters” throughout history have jumped in and He’s hasn’t dropped one…and you won’t be the first.

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