Sunday, October 5, 2008

Your Financial Portfolio

If your hope lies in your financial portfolio this past week was sure to make you break a sweat. We live in a world right not where “uncertainty” is the word of the day. One Scripture of the day could and should be Proverbs 27:1, “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.” How true is that? You go to bed one night and you are faced with Hurricane Ike and just around the corner the DOW drops 777 points and your 401k looks more like a 201k. But it’s not over yet, you just happen to work for DISD and you hear that there just happens to be an $84 million dollar budget shortfall this fiscal year and that approximately 1,209 positions, maybe yours might be eliminated.

I’m reminded of a hymn that we used to sing when I was a child, entitled, “In Times like These”. Listen and be challenged by these lyrics:

In times like these you need a Savior,
in time like theses you need an anchor;
Be very sure, be very sure your anchor
holds and grips the Solid Rock!
In times like these you need the Bible,
In times like these o be not idle;

Be very sure, be very sure Your anchor
holds and grips the Solid Rock!
In times like these I have a Savior,
in times like these I have an anchor;

I’m very sure, I’m very sure my anchor
holds and grips the Solid Rock

This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He’s the One;
This Rock is Jesus, the only One!

Be very sure, be very sure Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

© 1944 Singspiration Music, text by Ruth Caye Jones

My friend, as you go about your day today, this uncertain day, take with you the certainty that God is still and always will be in control, no matter what your circumstances look like. And take His Word, His true, powerful loving Word to heart:
“I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my
help come from?

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of
heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip— he who watches
over you will not slumber.”
Psalm 121:1-3 (NIV)

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