Sunday, October 7, 2007

Eternal Perspective

Ive been thinking about the illustration that Pastor Jeff has been using during the "Eternal Perspective" series every day since he gave it. The visual above gives only a glimpse of what he was trying to get across; one line going east to west, representing eternity, never ending and the dot in the center representing our life here on the earth in relation to that eternity. As Francis Schaeffer coined, "How then shall we live?"
Its amazing to try and grasp the reality of that illustration. Psalm 8:4 says, "what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?"
When we try to wrap our minds around the significance of our existence in the light of the immense nature of eternity we can almost walk away depressed realizing that we are "nothing"! (To put our significance in and of ourselves, read Job 38) And we would be right, were it not for Gods view of us and His plan for our lives as Jeremiah 29:11 declares, " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." To think that God has chosen to use us to not just make a difference and an impact on our generation, but that the actions, the choices we make will indeed make an eternal impact is incredible.
I have come to realize is that life is not determined by what we want but by the choices that we make. You and I might desire a certain thing out of life and because of the Lords goodness we may be enjoying certain material blessings. On the other hand, you may have an incredible cross to bear and this life has been one of trouble, heartache and pain. In the light of eternity neither situation has much significance in and of itself, rather, the important thing, which will last and ring throughout eternity are the choices that we make in light of the circumstances that we have been given.
The men and women, whose lives we get to witness from a birds eye view in scripture are not here anymore, but their choices, be they good or bad, are lasting in the eternal Word of God and the influence of their story continues to effect lives still today. As you and I make choices every day we have the opportunity to touch a life for eternity. Whether its our friend, neighbor, child, spouse, family member or a total stranger, how we respond daily to Gods call in our lives will not only be noticed, but may make a lasting influence in their lives for good or for bad. We cannot take that lightly.
As we worship the Lord today, lets lay our lives and all of our circumstances, good and bad before Him and ask Him to lead us toward responding in such a way that would be pleasing to Him and that would influence the people around us …for eternity.
"Only one life, which will soon be past; only whats done for Christ will last!"

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