Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bwana Asifiwe - Praise the Lord

"Kwa Maana jiusi hii Mungu aliupenda ulimwengu,
hata akamtoa Mwanawe pekee,
ili kila mtu amwaminiye asipotee,
bali awe na uzima wa milele."

Does this look like Greek to you? Actually it’s John 3:16 in Swahili, the language of the people whom we worked with and ministered to in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. What an incredible time we had on our trip to Africa! God showed us His hand of blessing and faithfulness every step and flight of our journey.

One of the most memorial things of my time in both Tanzania and Zambia were the worship times. More times than not we had no idea what was being sung or spoken, but after awhile, between the repetition and outward expression of the people, words for Father, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, amen, Hallelujah and praise the Lord brought a beautiful connection between our team and our brothers and sisters in Africa.

Travelling 9,000 miles away from home gave us a glimpse of what it’s going to be like when we take our final journey to our heavenly home. (Revelation 7:9-10) Here were men and women who love the Lord lifting Him up in a language unknown to us but were guided by the same Holy Spirit who reigns in our lives. A bond and connection was there that we didn’t have to create or put on. We were one in the Spirit and were able to worship together before the throne of God on that common ground. It was extra special when a familiar tune would be heard and we would be able to join in especially on the chorus and lift our voices singing the same message in two different languages knowing that as it reached God’s ears it would all be the same!

Being in Africa taught us many things, which will be shared many times in many different ways in the days to come, but one of the greatest truths that was reaffirmed in my heart is how incredibly big and awesome our God is! We cannot put Him in a box; and He, nor can His ways be confined to our way of thinking or our way of doing things. His ways and thoughts are truly higher than out ways and thoughts. (Isaiah 55:7-8)

God is Awesome and it was a dream come true and a gift from God to travel to a distant land and meet people who materially have little but spiritually have and abundance because of their love and passion for a great big God!!!

Bwana Asifiwe, (Praise the Lord!)

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