Amazingly enough, however, there are and have been men and women throughout history who have been willing to put their lives on the line and in many cases give their lives in war so that a cause would succeed.
The Bible describes a cause that comes from the God of the universe. It tells us that this cause, a restoration of relationship with Himself and His creation, was important enough for Him to enter a war in which many would die, but in this war the supreme sacrifice would be made in order to secure eternal victory. The King would give His life in order to defeat the powers of hell. (John 3:16)
Today, as we reflect on and celebrate the Lord’s Supper, let us never forget this memorial event. Jesus entered a war that had as its stake the souls of mankind. The result of a loss would have ended with every man, woman and child enduring an eternal separation from God. But glory to God, Christ is victorious and has overcome sin, death and hell with the price of His own blood. However, failure to receive this free gift from the Savior will still result in eternal separation from God in a hell where the pain and suffering and ravages of a spiritual war will last unquenchable forever.
One day the wars on earth will cease. Where we will spend eternity will determine whether or not we’ll experience the reality of that opening statement. My friend, if you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, allow Him to make today your spiritual birthday. Receive His free gift that he fought for in the war of all wars and won! If you already have, make a commitment today to tell this good news to as many others as possible. Shout it out loud, Jesus saves!!! Praise and worship Him for that truth this week.
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