Sunday, October 4, 2009


Impossible: “felt to be incapable of being done, attained, or fulfilled.” (Webster’s) When you think of that word, what are some of the things that you would say are impossible? Although we may not express it, in reality, most of us have an extensive list. How long have you been praying for that break through at work, home or in that relationship and nothing seems to change? How many times have you read that God is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that you can ask or think? Do we believe that He will do that for every single one of our needs? How many times do we separate the truth that God will supply all of our needs from the truth of His ability to do so?

Here’s the God we see in the Bible: He divided the waters of the Red Sea and the Israelites walked across on dry land. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood in a blazing fire and not a single hair on their heads was singed, their robes were not scorched, there was not even the smell of smoke on them. Daniel was thrown into the midst of hungry lions and he wasn’t eaten or even hurt from the fall. Elijah saw God send fire from heaven and burn up a sacrifice drenched with water that licked up the soil and the water. Lazarus was raised from the dead. We see God come to earth as a baby and give up His life willingly to be murdered by His own creation. All of these things in and of themselves were seemingly impossible. None could happen outside of Divine intervention. None happened outside of God accomplishing His purposes through initial suffering.

What impossibility are you facing today? Is there something in your life, on your heart that you are agonizing about and you just can’t see how it will ever happen? As we read Scripture we see that God majors in doing the impossible.

The same God who spoke the world into order, who breathed the breath of life into mankind, who gave sight to the blind, who gave his own life for us, is the same God who is here to meet with you today, wanting you to know that what you see as impossible is an opportunity for you to see Him express His love for you. Now that doesn't mean that the result will be exactly as you desire, but as you draw near to Him and grow to know Him better through faith, your focus will move from your impossibility to the Worker of impossible things. The real miracle of a miracle is that the object of affection after a miracle is not the miracle, but the Miracle Worker. Trusting Him with you for your miracle,


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