Too often we reduce worship to a Single event. We treat worship as something that begins on Sunday morning and last for just an hour or so. Worship is often seen as successful solely based on what happens or does not happen during that hour. But if we are to experience all that God has for us in worship, we must realize that worship is not just an event, rather, it is a lifestyle. Worship is what we were created to do, be, and participate in, every moment of our lives, now and in eternity. We were created to worship God, to express with every heartbeat that “He is worthy.”
Our corporate worship each Sunday must be an expression of what we are about during the week. We have an opportunity one hour each week to corporately come together and encourage each other in our walks with God – exalting Him as we learn, cry, struggle, and grow together. When we show up unfocused or worn down, there are others there to help us refocus and get us on track for the week to come.
The power, presence, and comfort of the Holy Spirit desires to actively move in our lives 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Just as an Olympic athlete’s “experience” as he or she runs is based on their preparation, so our worship “experience” is based on our training and preparation. We should strive to enter God’s presence prepared and ready to run.
How have you prepared for today’s “race”? As you enter this next week spend time in prayer, in praise, in adoration, in reading God’s Word, spending time with God’s people, worshipping Him through song, etc. and you’ll see that as you enter in to His presence with others next week that you will not have to “warm” up, but that you will be ready to join with others in a “race” that you’ve been running for a week already.
However, in this race, the cheers, glory and praise all go to God!
I’ll see you by the Throne,
Pastor MJ
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