I love football. I remember playing street ball as a child; no equipment, just a ball and a bunch of guys ready to have fun. Every time we’d meet the two captains would begin the process of choosing teams. At times, it was heart pounding as we waited to see if we’d be picked by the team we wanted to be on and hoped against hope that we weren’t the last to be chosen. As a young boy, being chosen last or like an afterthought was tough, but if you got chosen early it made you think that the captain really wanted you and that he had you in mind from the beginning.
My friend read the passage above. This scripture should encourage every believer to the point of elation, mixed with joyful and humble tears. It tells you, it tells me that as a child of God, He chose us, picked us out of a crowd an that His choice was not an afterthought, rather He planned to do so long before you and I were ever around. Imagine that, God had and has a unique, incredible purpose and He chose you and me to be a significant part of that purpose and plan. God Almighty had your name on His game plan the whole time.
Along with this, it is God’s purpose for your life and mine to be lived out for His glory alone. So no matter how “well” we do in this life or the next it’s all for His glory. We were made, we were chosen for His glory alone. Let’s worship Him by affirming our desire to live in such a way today.
I read a sermon once that told a story of a young man who had not had a great start in life financially, though he came from very earnest and moral parents. He became a Christian and later moved to north Wales for his education. His minister there appreciated the support he gave the pulpit, and when he got a new car he actually gave this young man his old car. The young man was utterly overwhelmed at the gift. No one had ever given him something as generous as that, and he treasured this car. What he did was this, he got a wide Dymo label and he printed a strip with some words on it which he stuck right in front of the passenger seat. The words read, "THIS CAR IS TO BE USED FOR THE GLORY OF GOD." Think about all God has done for your today…what does your “label” read?
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