O LORD, you have searched me and you know me.
Psalm 139:1
Psalm 139:1

One of the most amazing aspects of running for an office, such as the President is the monumental task of living under the microscope in a super powered technological culture that is not only aware but is present with cameras, computers and opinions about you, solicited or not on everything from your past, your present, your choice of boxers or briefs, the name of your childhood sweetheart and seemingly every indiscretion that you’ve ever thought or committed. Your life becomes open for all to see and your stage becomes the “fish-bowl.” Once people find out about all the good, the bad and the ugly, they form their opinions and it will either make or break you and your political aspirations. Although the media is good, there are still things about those on the public stage that we will never see; such areas that only God knows.
Psalm 139, reminds us that God knows us in an intimate way that no one else could, even ourselves. God not only knows our actions, but He knows our thoughts and the intent of our hearts. We can hide some things from those around us, but we cannot hide anything from God. That’s what makes grace so amazing! To think that God know me intimately, inside and out and still loves me and has a desire to have a relationship with me is beyond my understanding. But He does. David knew and proclaimed that God Almighty was able to search his heart, soul and mind and know Him in a way that none else could.
What does God see and hear as He looks into your heart, mind and soul at this moment? Does He find, fear, doubt, confusion, hope, peace, hatred or more? Take time today and acknowledge God’s view of the real you and take a moment and thank Him for loving you in spite of what He finds. And thank Him for Jesus and for the gift of salvation that gives us the opportunity to walk in grace and mercy.
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