Our Lord Jesus experienced that. In John 17 we see that Jesus heals ten lepers. Now just imagine. You are a leper, an outcast, set aside by society as untouchable. You look at yourself and your limbs are all but off. You are bandaged up and because of the lack of feeling in parts of your body you have several severe burns. Your life is a mess and your body is the same.
Then Jesus steps into your journey and heals you. Partial limbs become whole, gangrened skin becomes as soft and clear as a new born baby’s. A distorted face is made beautiful. What would be your first response? Well in Luke 17 we see that one man recognized the most important thing in being blessed, which is to remember to thank the giver of the blessing. But as we read, Jesus asked, Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?" (Luke 17:17 NIV)
So often we focus on and are carried away with the gift that we forget and neglect to thank the Giver. During this Thanksgiving season lets take a moment and pause. Take an inventory of the past 12 months or more. What has God done for you? What has He done in you? Have you thanked Him for it? Is the Lord saying, "Where is ________? Didn’t I bless him/her too?"
We have an opportunity to bless the Lord today. As we participate in our annual Thanksgiving sharing service take a moment and share with us, in the presence of the Lord what you have to be thankful for. All of us have something, but who of us will share? By doing so, you bring pleasure to the Lord. Along with that, in the community of believers youll encourage those who hear you who might need the same blessing from God. Your thanks through your life story will encourage them that if God can do it for you then He can do it for them as well.
Lets join together today to offer to Him a "Symphony of Thanksgiving" for who He is and all He has done. He is so worthy of our doing so!
To Him alone be the glory,
Pastor MJ
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