Sunday, May 20, 2007

Dead Willow Trees

If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.
It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands
than to go into hell, where the fire never goes out.

Gazing out of our kitchen window one morning this week, I realized how clean our pool was; freed up of the leaves that would normally fall from our willow. I really liked this tree. It provided shade, looked good blowing in the wind and was a landmark in our neighborhood. But for almost five years it was a nuisance.

Every time I’d go out and empty a basket of leaves from the pool, I’d get frustrated and say that the tree needed to go, but I neglected to make it happen. There were times when I’d trim it myself or just hope it would get better, but in reality the tree was dead and just a larger accident waiting to happen.

When I finally admitted that there was only one answer, I broke down and brought in the professionals and they literally got to the "root of the problem." I now see what a pool looks like without dead willow tree debris in it.

It got me thinking; how many "dead willow trees" do we have in our lives? Are there sins blowing their leaves, breaking our communication with God and cluttering up our lives keeping us from being effective for the kingdom? How many times have we tried ourselves and failed?

Jesus Christ is waiting to take over. We just need to give Him permission to "enter our backyards" and go to work. So, in the "morning" we can gaze out of the windows of our lives and see the wonderful results.

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