Sunday, August 21, 2011

God’s Forgiveness and Mercy

David's Prayer
He was a shepherd boy who was skilled as a musician as well as being a man’s man. He killed a bear, he ripped apart a lion, and he eventually killed a giant with a stone and a sword. He held kingdoms in his hand and had the favor of thousands upon thousands. He was a part of one of the greatest nations in the world; God’s chosen people’s favorite son and he became their greatest earthly king. He had the “whole world” in his hands, and we read in Scripture that if he had asked for more, he would have received it.

With all that David had, with all of the power, prestige, women, followers, and God’s favor, he still came to a point in his life where he stepped off course and set aside all God had done for and with him and he gave into fulfilling the passions of his flesh.

However, the incredible thing about this story is not that a great man fell, (all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God), but that a holy, pure God would still love and forgive someone who shamed His name and spurned His favor. In David’s life and in the lives of men and women throughout history, we see God continuing to reach out His hand through the hands that were nailed to the cross, saying, “I offer you forgiveness and I love you”.

No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, God’s forgiveness and mercy are available to you. And He’ll never stop loving you. You worship the God of mercy today. Before you come, pour your heart out to Father God confessing your sins and receive forgiveness and cleansing from the One who know you best, yet loves you most.

Beautiful that's how mercy saw me
Though I was broken and so lost
Mercy looked past all my faults
The justice of God
Saw what I had done
Mercy saw me through the Son
Not what I was but what I could be
That's how mercy saw me.”
~Geron and Becky Davis

Now, that’s something to praise Him for!! Amen?

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