Sunday, January 9, 2011

Whatever Your Circumstance

I pray that 2011 has started out well for you and yours, but mostly that “whatever your circumstance you can proclaim – It is well with your soul!”

I am looking forward to this year to see God’s hand work in surprising ways. One of the moments I am looking forward to is Easter. Each year as we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ I am in awe of the powerful story of God the Father’s initiative in sending Jesus to die to pay the penalty for our sins and then to rise from the dead to “seal the deal” thereby granting us the ability and honor of having a relationship with God Himself.

It is with that in mind that we have already begun preparing for our Palm Sunday/Easter production. It is my desire to present a celebratory worship time where we recognize the greatness of our God and proclaim that He is not just a God of the past, but the One and Only God of the Ages. I desire for this to be a worship time where we communicate the thought through music and other media “Where would be were it not for the blood of Christ!”

This will be an upbeat, celebratory, reflective, contemporary presentation lifting up Christ. Along with the music and spoken word that we will be presenting, we will incorporate “Cardboard Testimonies”. If you’ve never heard of this, you can view an example at I am praying for 50 of you to join the worship choir as singers. If you love to praise God through music, we need you. I am also praying for a large number of you to participate in the “Cardboard Testimony” part of the service. I will be sharing more about our vision for this event in the coming days, but wanted to get you to begin praying and asking the Lord how you might get involved.

Be praying for me as I piece together this service. I want it to be honoring to our Lord and encouraging to His people. I want everyone who is involved to be in awe with the realization that Christ’s death, burial and resurrection is the most powerful reality of our lives now and for eternity and for those who have not yet received Christ I want our presentation of Who He is and all He’s accomplished to be so contagious that they will desire to know Him too!

Praying for something that only God can accomplish! To Him be all the glory.

More to come………..MJ

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