Sunday, January 24, 2010


It’s a concept that when followed will enhance every activity. In every situation from a barbeque to a war, preparation is not only good, but success is almost always dependant on it. As we look at our men and women in the desert of Iraq right now, what if they had not prepared for dusty hot conditions and dressed for the beach? What if the infantry only brought enough supplies for a week? When I do a barbecue I take time to make sure that I have everything I need. All of the utensils, condiments, food, paper towels, foil, water spray can, and apron, extra fuel, etc. are all in place before the cooking begins. Not being prepared at a cookout can mean having to drive far to get more propane; not being prepared for war can mean death. In both cases preparation is essential.
In a way that I think we often forget or unaware of, preparation is also necessary in worship. Many times we don’t think about this because in some situations worship is looked at as something that we come to and that is brought to us. In reality, it is quite the opposite. Worship is something that we bring, something that we are responsible for and something that we must prepare for. Paul even reminds us that we need to be prepared to take the Lord’s supper, an act of worship, in a way that is worthy before we come. (1 Cor. 11:28)
How do we prepare for worship? Since worship is a lifestyle it is a daily occupation. As we walk with the Lord during the week and talk with Him giving Him praise, adoration and thanksgiving our hearts are being prepared. As we meet with other believers to pray, be encouraged and bring encouragement, we become more prepared. As we spend time in God’s Word and make it’s truths a part of our daily walk we deepen our preparation. As we think and meditate on His goodness, faithfulness, mercy, love, grace and provision and take time to acknowledge our gratitude to Him for those things, we add to our preparation. All of those elements are the “utensils” of worship, or as I’ve describe it in the past, our “torches”. And then when we meet together in our corporate gatherings we, having prepared all week long, come together and celebrate at the “worship gathering” the “bond-fire” of praise!
Are you prepared today? Do you have your tools? Are your torches lit and ready to enter in? It makes a world of difference in how you’ll walk away from our gathering today. And for every gathering here you prepare for it adds to your lifestyle of worship which is preparation for our eternal worship gathering! What a day that will be!! Are you preparing for that day?

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