Sunday, October 18, 2009

I"m Sorry!

“I’m sorry, there’s nothing more we can do.”

No one wants to hear those eight words about someone that they love, especially if that someone is their child.

Over the years, I’ve stood with many parents who have had to say goodbye to a child who’s life seemed to be cut way too short. In those circumstances, countless people have asked, “How could a loving God allow this to happen, especially to a child?” Whether you’ve laid a child, a spouse, a sibling or a dear friend to rest, it’s possible that you’ve asked that question as well.

Jesus, in essence was asked the same question over 2,000 years ago when his good friend, Lazarus died. Our Lord had been summoned to come and be by His friend’s side, but instead he completed what he was doing and then came. After Lazarus died, his sister, Martha, said to Jesus, “"Lord," Martha said to Jesus, "if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” (John 11:21) He then put her situation in eternal perspective and explained that even this very difficult circumstance was in place for the glory of God. (Read John 11:-1-43)

God is so gracious to give us the Bible, filled with stories of people just like you and me. And in just about every circumstance, both good and bad that we can imagine, we see that in the midst of every situation, every page from beginning to end, “their story” was incorporated with “His story” and had as it ultimate goal, God’s glory.

No matter what your loss today, whether it’s a death of a person, a job, a dream, or a relationship, God’s words of comfort to you today remain the same; take heart, “This will ultimately be for my glory and I will walk with you all the way to the realization of that.” Hold onto Him today, He’s worthy of your trust.

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