Sunday, May 17, 2009

I Surrender All

“All to Jesus, I surrender; all to Him I freely give! I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence freely live. I surrender all, I surrender all. All to Thee, my precious Savior, I surrender all!

How many times have you sung that hymn? How many times do you feel like I have while singing it, like a total hypocrite? I surrender all. When I am hit with the truth of what that statement means, I have often had to fall on my knees and tell the Lord that I have failed to keep that commitment, especially in the areas that are really precious to me and that seem to bring be the most comfort, like a favorite pillow that has been around for years, or like a “pet “sin.

God is calling us to surrender our all to Him. As we read His Word and listen to His Spirit, we realize that there is nothing we could ever give up that comes close to comparing with what He gives us in return! Neither does anything compare to what He gave up for us. The greatest thing that comes between us and total surrender to God is fear: fear that God will not be worth it, fear that “bad stuff” will happen, and fear that we could never give our all to God. We need not fear because the Holy Spirit is standing by waiting to walk us into a relationship with our Father, a relationship that we can’t even imagine.

What is holding you back today from giving your utmost for His highest, from giving your best for His glory? Whether it is a “pet” sin, unforgiveness, fear, food, an unequally yoked relationship, materialism, work, or family, ask yourself if holding on to that sin brings you more comfort or happiness and joy than you believe God can. Whatever your answer is, God is standing right by your side waiting to have a loving, totally surrendered relationship with you that will fulfill your purpose for being here; it is why you were created!

As we worship together this week, ask Father to reveal to you the areas in your life that need to be fully surrendered! Let’s join together and lay them at His feet today.

“I will offer up my life in spirit and truth, pouring out the oil of love
as my worship to You. In surrender I must give my every part;
Lord, receive the sacrifice of a broken heart.
You deserve my every breath for You’ve paid the great cost…”
(Matt Redman)

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