Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday

Today, we are celebrating what we refer to as Palm Sunday. That was the day beginning the last week that Jesus spent on this earth when our Lord rode into Jerusalem and the crowds hailed Him as their Messiah. They believed He was truly there to set them free from Roman oppression. They gave Him their nod as the prophesied ruler of their people. Throughout the crowd that day, each and every person had their own perception and expectation of who Jesus was and what He could, and would, do for them. Due to events following Palm Sunday, their praise would prove to be largely dependent on his delivering exactly what they wanted, or not.

As you lift up your voice to praise God this morning, as you sing, pray and meditate, what is your praise and worship based on? Is it based on only what God has done? Is it based on what you are expecting Him to do? If there are days where He doesn’t seem to answer your prayers, will you still praise Him? Is our praise today based on what we expect God to do for us in the way that we expect Him to do it? If so, what will we do when His answer, response or solution is not what we were expecting or looking for? Will our praise be conditional?

This week take some time and read or re-read Matthew chapters 21-27. Note the difference in the crowd’s response to Jesus in only one week’s time.

Do you feel that God has let you down? Has He answered differently than you thought He would, or should? Don’t stop praising Him. Fill your mind and heart with His Word and allow Him to do “exceeding abundantly above all that you are able to ask or think!” (Ephesians 3:20) He will come through for you as He did for His children back then. Only, just as He showed them, He will show you, that His Kingship, plans and purposes are much bigger and better for you than your own hopes, dreams and expectations! Join me as we lift our praises to the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus! For the One who came, lived, died and rose from the grave over 2,000 years ago is worthy of our worship and praise today and every moment of every day! Hosanna! Blessed is He who came in the Name of the Lord!


Pastor MJ

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