Sunday, June 8, 2008

You Can’t Out Give God

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38

Imagine this, you’re sitting in a large Mega Church sanctuary with a seating capacity of ten thousand. You are surrounded by about five thousand men and at least as many women and children. In all there are probably over ten thousand people present. It’s about lunch time and everyone is hungry, but the food court is closed.
The main speaker, having a compassionate heart, knowing that the people would listen better with a full stomach asks one of the twelve deacons present, “Where can we get food for all of these people?” The deacon replied, “Well it would take eight months salary to buy enough food to feed all of these people!” Right then another deacon brought a small boy over and said, “Excuse me, sir, this boy has some fish sticks and a loaf of sourdough bread, but it’s of no use in trying to feed a crowd this size.”

What you see next is nothing less than amazing. The speaker takes the boys lunch, blesses it and gives thanks to God for it and begins to reach in the container and distribute the fish and bread to the deacons who in turn begin to feed the massive crowd. When it’s all said and done, everyone is full and there is enough left over for all twelve of the deacons to take a huge box full home with them.

Read John 6:1-15 and see the real story. The person other than Jesus who really stands out in this story is the boy with the lunch. What if he had refused to give up his lunch and said, “It’s all I have and if I give it to you, Lord, I’ll have nothing left.” The boy would have missed out on receiving a miraculous blessing. He had first to be willing to give up, sacrifice something precious to him in order to receive something priceless.

What are you holding back because what you have to offer is “too small” or “insignificant” compared to the task ahead? My friend, your “little____” offered in faith and obedience in the Master’s hand can change the world forever. More than that, if can change you. Whatever it is, offer it to the Lord today and watch in amazement and awe.

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