Sunday, May 4, 2008

Precious To Me Are Your Thoughts, O God!

“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them,

they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake, I am still with you.”Psalm 139:17-18 (NIV)

One thing I miss the most about living on the East Coast is going to the beach all summer long. I never swam much, but going “down the shore”, as we say it up north, early in the morning as the sun was coming up over the horizon, or mid-afternoon towards early evening as the tide was getting higher was a weekend staple during the summer months. Over the years one thought always crossed my mind: How much sand is actually on these beaches? I never came up with a number, but recently, I read of a Coastal Geomorphologist who came up with the calculation that there are approximately a grand total of about 2000 billion billion grains of sand on Earth. Wow! That’s a lot!

When I read that it made me think of this passage in Psalm 139. To think that God has me on His mind is incredible enough, but to think that He has specific thoughts about me is mind blowing.

I have many thoughts during the day, so many sometimes that it makes me tired. A quick search on Wikipedia reveals that human brain produces approximately 70,000 thoughts on an average day. My thoughts are made up of many different things, people, places, events, etc. There are certain things and certain people that I think about more than others, but my 70,000 thoughts are nothing compared to God’s thoughts. Picture this, you are in San Diego and you begin to walk across a vast sandy beach. On this beach are grains of sand as far as your eyes can see. Now imagine this, these are God’s thoughts about you today. Each one of those grains of sand has etched on it your name. What does that do for you? What does that say to you?

There was a song written a couple of years ago called “Into you” written by Carolyn Dawn Johnson. The song states that if the one you love doesn’t do or say certain things about or to you then they probably are “just not into you”.

Child of God, Scripture is clear, God is “into you”! Whatever you are facing today, whatever tomorrow brings, don’t fear. The God of the universe is thinking about you and you are never far from His heart or His mind. Take a deep breath and breathe in the aroma of His love and care for you today and praise and worship Him for it.


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