Sunday, January 6, 2008

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
(Eccl 3:1 NIV)

Over the years I have learned much about the changing seasons of life. Nothing in this life seems to stays the same; everything is in constant motion, everything from nature to life’s circumstances exhibit constant transition.

As parents we see this every day. From our children’s first breath, to talking, from diapers to Fruit of the Loom, from walking to running, from pre-school to college, from childhood to friendship it never seems to stop changing. As nature reveals to us, anything that is living grows and goes through transitional changes.

Many people are afraid of change. For some, the only kind of change they like is from a dollar bill. I believe that most people who fear change do so out of the fear of the unknown. There is a sense of security in remaining the same, but on the other hand we may miss out on great adventures and opportunities by shunning change for the familiar.

I had no idea of the constant changes and transitions that I would go through in the just the first 17 years of married life. However, God has blessed me with a help-mate whom I love and trust and know that whatever we face, as long as we are in it together, with the Lord’s help we’ll be okay. No, it doesn’t make the transitions themselves any easier, but it make s the journey through them easier to handle when done together in His strength.

Although everything with and in life goes through changes there is one constant for all eternity. That is our gracious God. "From Age To Age He Is The Same, Yesterday, Today And Forever!" (See Malachi 3:6)

Oh, the comfort we can find in that truth. The same God who parted the Red Sea, raised the dead, created the world and paid the price for our sins on the cross, is the same God that walks with us today saying, "if I did all of that for you, won’t I also walk by your side during every changing season of your life providing comfort, guidance and direction? And if you follow my directions, you won’t go wrong!"

The only fear we should have about change is if we do it without God by our side in the midst of that transition. Other than that, welcome change, it proves that you are alive!
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. (John 14:6a NIV)

Happy New Year, MJ

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