Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Next to trash collectors and janitors, motherhood is probably the most thankless job that a person could have. Think about it, a woman who is a mom serves as a cook, a house cleaner, a nurse, a counselor, a friend, a disciplinarian, a taxi driver, a fashion consultant, a party hostess, a laundry maid, a daycare provider, a teacher, an advisor and that’s just on Monday.

Many times we go days, weeks, months and never really express our thanks to our moms. Today I want to challenge us to not let the day go by without celebrating our mom’s, in thought or in deed, if they are still living. And if not, celebrate them by thanking God for the life that you’ve been given through them.

Motherhood is a huge commitment. From conception through the birth of a baby on throughout life until she closes her eyes for the last time here on earth, a mother’s job is never done. God has placed mothers in an honored position and we should do no less. Mother’s however, at times may want to run from that position of honor as fast as they can because the challenges are great and can sometimes be very painful. For all of the joys of being a mom, the heartaches come in equal measure. From bumps and bruises, teasing, broken relationships, chronic illnesses, divorce, rebellion, etc., fear and frustration could overwhelm a mother who had particular hopes and dreams for their lives and the lives of their children.

In the Book of Esther we find a challenge for all of us, but today in particular for you moms as you face uncertain challenges in your role as mom. So take a moment and think about the honored position in which you have been placed. “…who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”

Hang in there, mom’s. Your crazy, seemingly hopeless circumstance today may be the road towards hope for an upcoming generation. Happy Mother’s Day – today, we thank God for you and celebrate the position that you hold as mom!

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