“Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
But we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”
~Psalm 20:7
During these seemingly uncertain times in our world I am holding firmly on God’s promises and His character, specifically in the way that He worked with His people during times of war. Time after time we see the key to victory was trust and obedience. As the people of God trusted Him and in doing so showed it by their obedience we see victory. There were times when they had the upper hand by pure might, but the victory was from the Lord. There were other times when they had just a few and were humanly out numbered, but God brought the victory. God Almighty is the Victor and those who trust in Him and obey His commands have already won.
In our times there are many who are assuming that no matter what happens in the coming days that America will be victorious, because we have the “bigger guns” and we are the world’s only “Super Power”. However, might alone in our day does not always help. I lived very close to the World Trade Center and we all know now that evil does not need to have the biggest guns. We are in a battle now that is not against flesh and blood. (Eph. 6)
Trinity, I believe that more than any other time we must face reality and realize that we are in times that we may well be seeing the change of life as we now know it. We are afforded so many privaliges and freedoms, such as we are enjoying today. Do we take for granted the freedom to come and worship this morning without the fear of being jailed or worse? Do we take for granted that we have a corporate prayer time that will “always be there”? Are we crying out to God for our nation, our leaders, our children, etc.?
I’ve heard that some of the most incredible worship services are in the places where the people experience the most pain and suffering. I myself, went to one service where the room was filled with people delivered from crack, prostitution and sexual addictions. Next to them were others with hearts being mended from divorce, rape, post-abortion and more. I heard more praise, worship adoration and thanksgiving that day than I had ever heard. Those who have been forgiven most, love the most...hopefully.
What happens tomorrow in Iraq is uncertain. What the United States will be like next year is uncertain. Who our God is, is sure and unchanging. Let’s not wait until the worst hits to cry out to Him. Let’s not wait until we are in the midst of the furnace to praise Him. Acknowledge His love, strength, hope, mercy, forgiveness, power, might, grace, peace, healing, provisions and more and worship Him for them today and the next and the next, so when trouble comes you will rest in the place where you’ve already been and not forget in the dark what He revealed to you in the light. The battle is the Lord’s:
“Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Habakkuk 1:5 (NIV)