Sunday, April 11, 2010

From The Beginning, God’s Presence Broke Through Time

From the beginning, God’s presence broke through time and space and surrounded His creation. King David asked the question and supplied the answer as well as to the wonder of God’s presence in Psalm 139. Although almost too deep to comprehend, it is amazing to think that the God of the universe is everywhere, all of the time. Here is the timeless question in verse 7, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” And the response is a beautiful, pictorial answer leading us towards an incredible glimpse of the greatness of Almighty God. “If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.” (Psalm 139:8-12 NIV)

This truth is powerful, so powerful that it should shake us to the core of our beings and greatly affect the way that we live…and die.

Throughout the Bible, God’s presence is felt and experienced by men and women, young and old, rich and poor, slave and free. God’s presence always brought about change. Not always in the circumstances, but without fail in the person. The acceptance, acknowledgement and positive response to His presence brought favor. The rejection and negative response brought separation and judgment.

How have you and I responded to the presence of Almighty God this week? Today, as experience all God has in store for you, continually pray and ask Him to help you recognize and accept His presence in your life and circumstances.

Do you really, by faith, believe this? So, how then should we be living our lives today?

“His eyes see what mine see – His hands touch what mine touch
His feet go where mine go-His ears hear what mine hear.
His heart feels what mine feels –He is here.”


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

Some place in eternity, Jesus stepped into time and took a stroll through the vast expanse of nothingness and I can imagine the scene being something like this…

Day one---“Daddy, I created the earth and then made light and separated it from the darkness”...”That's good, Jesus!”

Day two---“Daddy, I separated the water into two parts, some for the
sky and some to cover the earth!” ... ”That's good, Jesus!”

Day three---“Daddy, guess what? Today I separated the sea from the dry
land and I put some plants and trees and lots of fruit. And I created this beautiful Garden!” ... ”That's good, Jesus!”

Day four---“Daddy, today I made the Sun and the Moon! I had so much fun I made billions of other stars and countless planets!” .... ”That's good, Jesus!”

Day five---“Daddy, today I spent time in the water and created some creatures to live in the oceans and I made many different kinds of birds to fly through the beautiful sky”… ”That's good, Jesus!”

Day six---“Daddy, today was filled with all kinds of wonder. I made land animals, ones that walk, some tall, and some really close to the ground. I made small ones, large ones and some to be used for work. And then I did as we talked about and made man in our image and then made him a partner. Daddy as I looked at them, I saw the Three of us.”… ”That's good, Jesus!”

Day seven---“Daddy, today I am going to rest. Today is a blessed and holy one. It is a good day.”

At one moment in time, the most precious of all His creation, the one made in His image, took tools from materials that He had made and killed Him. The creation killed the Creator! But all of this was the Father's plan. A plan that was born out of His love for you and for me. A plan that is available today, a gift that is free to you and me yet cost Him everything!

John 3:16. Christmas was the first expression, Good Friday showed the cost of that expression, Easter seals the deal of that expression and gives us eternal hope in the Giver of that eternal hope. May this Easter be your best one yet and that because you have given yourself completely to the one who gave all for you!