Being bailed out today almost seems like a cultural expectation. Many today who have overextended themselves on their mortgages, lived far above their means and others who have mismanaged and in some cases mis-handled businesses, money and property of others are being bailed out of their situations with no strings attached. We’ve almost become a people where we feel entitled to a “bailout” every time we mess up.
This mindset is scary by itself, but becomes more than frightening and dangerous when it leaks into our view of how God should or does treat us.
Maybe you’ve been there. Maybe you are there now, where God’s grace and mercy has become your heavenly “stimulus package”. Here’s the difference though: When God forgives, shows mercy and extends grace, His heart’s desire is that a heart change will occur and that His kindness will lead to repentance, (turning around and never planning to return). (Romans 2:4) What God has done for you and me is far greater than the AIG or Lehman Brothers bailouts. God did more than change the numbers on our financial reports and stock ledgers; He has changed our eternal destiny and our earthly existence by the power of the cross and through the power of His Spirit.
Let’s take stock of what our response should be to His goodness. Look at what your debts were before and after His grace and mercy took over. When we truly begin to understand the depth of His payment how can we not worship Him with our everythingness.
Make it your point today to worship Him in spirit and truth with a heart filled with thanksgiving for rescuing you from the “mire” and placing you in the “choir”. He is so good. Praise Him for that today!