We are all created in the image of God. That image is best seen in the expressions from and in our hearts. Satan cannot take away our salvation but if he can destroy, break or in other ways nullify the heart of Almighty God’s image bearers then He will be happy. God’s glory is expressed best here on this earth through the lives of His children. As Saint Irenaeus wrote, “The glory of God is man fully alive”. Satan’s plan is to break your heart, especially in things towards God. If he can do that then the glory of God coming from your life is dimmed and less of an influence for God.
Satan tried to do this to Adam, the nation of Israel, Jarius, Joseph, Abraham, Daniel, Jesus and millions of others. Where was God when the Jews were commanded to make more bricks with less material? Were was God when Jarius held His almost lifeless daughter in his arms? Where was God as Joseph as being thrown into the dry well? Where was God when Jacob received news of his favorite son being killed by wild animals? Where was God when Daniel was being thrown into the lion’s den? Where was God while Job was getting the mess kicked out of him? Where was He when your husband/wife walked out? Where was he when your best friend died of AIDS? Where was he when you were betrayed by those you trusted the most? Where is He now? Why didn’t/doesn’t He step in?
Each one of those questions is fueled by Satan’s sole purpose to destroy your heart. He wants to steal your joy, your hope. He wants to kill your emotion towards your Creator, your Father and to kill your heart towards Him and in some cases not only your heart but your very life.
Without the well, Joseph would have never brought the Jews to Egypt. Without the cross, no resurrection. God won. He always does.
My friend, you may not see, feel, sense, or even believe that God is with you in the midst of your situation or that He even cares.
He is and He does… One day every question will be answered, every doubt will be erased, every fear quenched, every tear dried. Go ahead, cry, get mad. My prayer for you today is that you will be able to say, even in your brokenness, just as Job did, “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him (Job 13:15 NIV) Today may be your “Friday”, but your “Sunday” is coming.
With you, desiring a heart fully alive……...MJ