Sunday, April 1, 2012

Your Great Name

“What a day that will be when we get to see face to face the One who gave it all, our Jesus. The bible says that Jesus humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death – even death on a cross! For this reason, God exalted Him and bestowed on Him the Name which is above every name, so that at the Name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:8-11)

And today we say: The Lost are saved…at the sound of Your great Name.

The power of sin is broken, captives are freed, darkness is defeated and the enemy has to leave…at the sound of Your great Name.

Fear has no place, broken hearts are mended, the weak are made strong…at the sound of your great Name.

There is hope, peace, mercy, joy, grace, strength, deliverance, comfort, healing, freedom and salvation…at the sound of Your great Name. He is worthy!” Gary Rhodes (Your Great Name)

There is power in a name. None, however, more powerful than the Great Name of Jesus. Each time we gather to worship, it is our desire and our honor to lift up the Name of Jesus. Today, Palm Sunday we do so through the gift of music.

As the choir sings, as scriptures are read, I encourage each of you to join in with us. Listen, reflect, pray and respond in joyful participation as we present and magnify the Great Name of Jesus.

On the very first Palm Sunday, many shouted praises, but just a few short hours later those shouts of praise turned into a call for execution, all because Jesus did not meet the expectations of some. Where are you today? Has God seemingly been silent in your journey? Does Jesus seem a million miles away from your situation?

My friend, not only is He present today, He is here to meet you where you are and to show you His love and grace and to extend to you forgiveness for your sins and offer you an eternal relationship with Him. If you are His child today, join in the celebration of His Great Name. If you have yet to give you heart to Him, come to Him in humility and confess that you’ve missed the mark so far in life and desire to accept his forgiveness for your sins. May today be a wonderful celebratory worship event that includes thanksgiving because you have been made new through the Power majesty of His Great Name.